社会-空间辩证法,Social-Spatial Dialectics
1)Social-Spatial Dialectics社会-空间辩证法
2)social space dialectics社会空间辩证法
1.The article analyzes the problem existed in protection and utilization of the historical section,as a kind of cultural resource,sums up the existing method as an unsustainable utilizing method,points out that the key of sustainable utilizing historical section is promoting reproduction of historical section,and makes relevant suggestions for the issue from the angle of social space dialectics.而历史地段的可持续利用的关键问题在于如何推动历史地段的再生产,并从社会空间辩证法的角度对这一问题进行回应并提出了相应的建议。
3)dialectics of space-society空间-社会辩证法
4)socialist dialectics社会主义辩证法
1.His theo-ry system of socialist dialectics in cludes the theory of socialist basic contradiction,the theory of main co ntradiction,the theory of the nature and resoluti on of two different contradictions,and the interrelations among the those three.毛泽东在开创探索社会主义现代化建设道路中,运用马克思主义辩证方法,提出社会主义矛盾学说体系,为社会主义辩证法理论及其丰富性作出了重大贡献。

1.What Is Socialism"and the Dialectics of Socialism;“什么是社会主义”与社会主义辩证法
2.Dialectic unscrambility to "Socialism Core Value System";“社会主义核心价值体系”的辩证法解读
3.On Dialectics Explaining the Theory of the Socialism Essence of D.X.P;邓小平社会主义本质论的辩证法解读
4.On Building a Socialist Harmonious Society Dialectics Thinking;关于构建社会主义和谐社会的辩证法思考
5.On the dialectic base of socialist harmonious society s development;论社会主义社会和谐发展的辩证法基础
6.Materialist Dialectics Embodied in Deng Xiaopings Theory about Socialist Democracy;论邓小平社会主义民主理论的辩证法思想
7.Materialism dialectics and "what socialism is"and "how to construct socialism;唯物辩证法与“什么是社会主义,如何建设社会主义”
8.The dialectical thinking about Builiding A Harmonious Society;对“构建社会主义和谐社会”的辩证思考
10.The Dialectical Relational Research on The Socialism Politics Civilization in Power Legally;社会主义政治文明与依法执政辩证关系研究
11.On Diathetical Thoughts in the Thesis of Socialist Essence;试论社会主义本质论断中的辩证法思想
12.The Dialectical Relationship of "Three Represent s" and Socialist Legal System s Construction;论“三个代表”与社会主义法制建设的辩证关系
13.On the Dialectics of Socialist Cultural Construction with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义文化建设辩证法论略
14.On the Dialectical Property of the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义道路的辩证特性
15.Thoughts on building the socialist new countryside dialectically;从辩证的观点看建设社会主义新农村
16.The Function of Dialectical Thinking in Building a Harmonious Socialist Society;辩证思维在构建社会主义和谐社会中的功能
17.Construction of Dialectical Ideology on Socialist Harmonious Society;构建社会主义和谐社会辩证思维方式的探索
18.The Dialectical Relations Among the Six Essential Elements of Socialist Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会六大要素之间的辩证关系

social space dialectics社会空间辩证法
1.The article analyzes the problem existed in protection and utilization of the historical section,as a kind of cultural resource,sums up the existing method as an unsustainable utilizing method,points out that the key of sustainable utilizing historical section is promoting reproduction of historical section,and makes relevant suggestions for the issue from the angle of social space dialectics.而历史地段的可持续利用的关键问题在于如何推动历史地段的再生产,并从社会空间辩证法的角度对这一问题进行回应并提出了相应的建议。
3)dialectics of space-society空间-社会辩证法
4)socialist dialectics社会主义辩证法
1.His theo-ry system of socialist dialectics in cludes the theory of socialist basic contradiction,the theory of main co ntradiction,the theory of the nature and resoluti on of two different contradictions,and the interrelations among the those three.毛泽东在开创探索社会主义现代化建设道路中,运用马克思主义辩证方法,提出社会主义矛盾学说体系,为社会主义辩证法理论及其丰富性作出了重大贡献。
5)Harmonious Society And Dialectics和谐社会与辩证法
6)social-historical dialectics社会历史辩证论
1.Marx critically inherits Hegel s labor dialectics,surpassing Feuerbach s natural dialectics and establishes social-historical dialectics,coupled with materialistic dialectics covering natural dialectics and social-historical dialectics.马克思批判继承了黑格尔劳动辩证论的成果,超越了费尔巴哈的自然辩证论,创立了以自然辩证论为前提的社会历史辩证论,以及涵盖自然辩证论与社会历史辩证论的唯物辩证论。

军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法military objective dialectics and subjective dialectics  he法CtiVe内容辩证及其观辩是一界的发展会的着社而发矛盾体、、必攻与主动与精等诸相互相互域各其规必然!客观iunshi de keguan bianzhengfzhuguQn bianzhengfo军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证(military objective dialeeties and subjdialeeties)关于军事辩证法的客泌和主观反映的一对范畴。军事的客为法指军事领域中客观存在的辩证运舀规律。军事的主观辩证法指对军事堪证法的主观反映。二者在本质__上致的。 军事领域的矛盾运动如同客观桂其他运动一样,都是处在不断的辩让之中。军事领域的矛盾运动在人类之生产方式发展到一定阶段产生,并伯会生产方式不断向更高的阶段发尾展,最终归于消亡。军事领域充满〕的对立统一。一般与特殊、部分与奎不确实性与确实性、流动性与固定杠然性与偶然性、可能性与现实性、遥防御、持久与速决、内线与外线、与被动、优势与劣势,以及物质因礴神因素、人与武器装备、政治与军哥矛盾方面之间,都存在着相互排斥、依存、相互转化的辩证关系,它们口作用推动着军事事物的发展。军事匀种事物的发生、发展和消亡的过程石律,就是军事的客观辩证法。 军事的客观辩证法具有客观性、性和普遍性等特点。客观性,指军事白人的存在发展事实必然客观事物内在的形尽的军事实践性,辩证的军事实串于军事终。辩证的概证发的矛的主于军过人立起式而表现相互客观用军的主事的对军,军而军对军军事握之具。辩证源于。