三种生产理论,three-production theory
1)three-production theory三种生产理论
1.This article observes development process in rural regions of China from perspective of three-production theory.资源环境问题是与一定的发展模式相伴而生的,本文针对中国农村地区的资源环境问题,从三种生产理论的视角来反观中国农村发展,通过深入剖析城乡整体、城乡之间以及农村内部三种生产的状况,提出改善中国农村发展状况的对策。

1.From "Three Kinds of Production Theory"to "Many Kinds of Production Theory"--A New Apocalypse of Scientific Development View;从“三种生产理论”到“多种生产理论”——科学发展观的一种新启示
2.Discussion on Three Important Theoretical Foundations of the Research of Sport Industry Administration;论体育产业管理研究的三种常用理论
3.On Marx s Theories of “Three Productions”and“Three Cultures”;论马克思主义的“三种生产”和“三种文化”学说
4.On Comparative Research in Productive Forces Theory of the Three-generation Leading Core of the Communist Party of China(CPC);中国共产党三代领导核心生产力理论比较研究
5.An Essence Theoretic Expression of Production Function--Elasticity Production Function;生产函数的一种基本理论表达式——弹性生产函数
6.Study on Purifying Three Natural Products by Molecular Distillation and Theoretical Model;分子蒸馏提纯三种天然产物及理论模型的研究
7.Three Sorts of Advantage Theory and the Government’s Function in Industrial Development;三种优势理论及政府在产业发展中的作用
8.Preliminary Study on the Formation and Significance of“Three Strategies” in the Beiping Tianjin Battle;试论平津战役中“三种方式”的产生及意义
9.Firm Theory from the Production Perspective--An Alternative View of Firm Theory生产视角下的企业理论——企业理论的另一种思维
10.Research on the Dilemma of "Shelved Ladies" by the Theory of "Two Productions"从“两种生产”理论透析“剩女”现象的窘境
11.Talk About the Exactitude Handles a Tall School Student to Manage Three Kinds of Relations in The Work论正确处理高校学生管理工作中的三种关系
12.Application of three statistical methods in the quality management of knitting production三种统计方法在针织生产质量管理中的应用
13.Theory Analysis of Forest Improved Seed s Production and Public Goods s Supply;林木良种生产与公共产品提供的理论分析
14.Network System of Three Productions and Three Cultures;“三种生产”与“三种文化”的网络系统
15.Study on the New Theory of Productivity Development of the Third Generation of Collective Leadership;党的第三代领导集体新生产力发展理论研究
16.On the Eco-Industry Operating Mechanism of Three-dimensional Theory Model in China;我国生态产业运营机制的三维理论模型研究
17.The Innovation and Development of the Theory of Productive Forces Brought Forth by the Important Thought of "Three Representatives";“三个代表”重要思想对生产力理论的创新和发展
18.The Significant Contributions to the Productive Force Theory by Three-generation Leaders of the CPC;党的三代领导人对生产力理论的重大发展

theory of three models of production三种生产论
3)two production theory两种生产理论
4)theory of two kinds of production两种生产的理论
5)three kinds of production三种生产
1.The major focuses on the three kinds of production theories of Marxism and their role in society.三种生产不是独立的,互不相关的,而是相互制约、相互作用的。
6)Marx's two production theory马克思的两种生产理论

三种发相──嗔恚三种发相【三种发相──嗔恚三种发相】  ﹝出释禅波罗蜜次第法门﹞  [一、非理嗔相],谓行人修禅定时,嗔觉欻然而起,无问是理非理,他犯不犯;无故而发嗔恚,障诸禅定,是为非理嗔相。  [二、顺理嗔相],谓行人修禅定时,外人实来恼我,以此为缘,生于嗔觉,相续不息;亦如持戒之人,见非法者,而生嗔恚。嗔虽顺理,亦障禅定,是为顺理嗔相。  [三、诤论嗔相],谓行人修禅定时,着己所解之法为是,谓他所行所说悉以为非。外人所说不顺己情,即恼觉心生,而起嗔恨,障诸禅定,是为诤论嗔相。