人的本质观,hominine essence
1)hominine essence人的本质观
1.On the different level of the development of productivity, hominine essence exists different regulation and being conformation, "the individual how to behave their life, themselves will live so, accordingly, their living state accords withtheir production--what do t.本文的研究思路主要是通过对东西方马克思主义人的本质观的研究分析,以及中国传统文化中的人的本质剖析,得出各自所存在的理论缺陷,从而找出人的本质两方面的辩证统一关系,并进而从马克思主义理论的中国化和现实的社会实际出发,分析人的本质发生个体性转向的可能性与必。

1.Is Human Nature the Essence of Human Being?--Stating Marxism s view on the essence of human being;人性与人的本质——兼论马克思主义的人的本质观
2.A Comparison Study for the Viewpoints of Human s Nature in Humanistic Psychology;人本主义心理学家人的本质观的比较研究
3.The Discrimination on the Outlook of Human Nature between Karl Marx and Other Western Humanist;马克思人的本质观与西方人本主义辨析
4.Marx Sublation of Feuerbach s Viewpoint on Human Essence;马克思对费尔巴哈人的本质观的扬弃
5.Marxism Hominine Essence Theory and Its Realistic Turnaround;马克思主义人的本质观及其现实向度
6.The Marxism Essence View about Person and the Honor Versus Dishonor View of Socialism;马克思主义人的本质观与社会主义荣辱观
7.Fundamental Principles and Methods of Regimen from the Perspective of Human Nature of Taoism;从道教的人的本质观看养生的基本原则和方法
8.Two-dimentional Perspective On Man--On the view of man s nature of Marxism;两维视角下的人:论马克思主义人的本质观
9.On Marx's Thought of Human Essence and Human Development in All-round论马克思人的本质观和人的全面发展思想
10.Quality Education View in the Perspective of Human Nature and Human Essence;人性和人的本质视角下的素质教育观
11.Humanity: The Essence and Core of the Scientific Outlook on Development;以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心
12.Putting People First--the Essence and Gist of Scientific Development Concept;以人为本——科学发展观的本质和核心
13.Humanism--the Essence of Scientific Thought of Development;以人为本:科学发展观的本质和核心
14."People-oriented" Being the Essential Prescript of Scientific Development View;“以人为本”是科学发展观的本质规定
15.There are fundamental differences between your outlook on life and mine.我和你的人生观, 有着本质的不同.
16.The Research on s "Person s Essence" View of Marx and Contemporary Significance;论马克思“人的本质”观及其当代意义
17.Discussion About the Essence of Shen Cong-wen s "Country Folk";探析沈从文“乡下人”观念的基本特质

Marxist view of human essence马克思人的本质观
1.In the socialist market economy,to make ideological and political work achieve real results,in addition to carrying forward the Party s excellent tradition for many years,it is necessary to correctly understand and grasp foundimentary Marxist view of human essence,and focus on the multi-directional and multi-layered exploration and innovation according to the changing reality.在社会主义市场经济条件下,要使思想政治工作落到实处,取得实效,除了继续弘扬我党多年来形成的优良传统之外,还需正确理解和把握马克思人的本质观的基本观点,依据发展变化了的现实,注重多方位、多层次的开拓与创新。
3)human essence人的本质
1.On Aristotle s Three Statements of Human Essence;论亚里士多德关于人的本质的三个论断
2.We must confirm and establish principles on human sexual ethics by human essences .我们应该从人的本质确证和建立性伦理原则,以达到个人与自然、个人与他人、个人与社会、个人与自身的自然(亦即人的肉体与灵魂)之间和谐发展。
4)human nature人的本质
1.The Idiosyncrasy and the Reality of Human Nature——the Perspective of Human Nature from Karl Marx;人的类本质、人的现实本质——试述马克思关于人的本质的看法
2.A new understanding of Marx’s notion on human nature;论马克思关于人的本质的理解
5)essence of man人的本质
1.Only from the essence of man,and the essence of society,can the connotation of Deng Xiaoping s socialist essence theory be well understood scientifically,and the inner con.只有从人的本质出发,透过社会的本质,才能科学理解邓小平社会主义本质论的深刻内涵,也才能准确把握这一理论与中国特色社会主义理论体系之间的内在联系,才能以此更好的指导全面小康社会和社会主义和谐社会的建设实践。
2.Xunzi believes that ritual is the essence of man.荀子认为礼是人的本质。
3.Marx has carried on extensive, deep research to people s essential question during the process of establishing the system of one s own theory, and exploration and observation of hisfory of essence of man twn into ferms and concrete to furn into caurse.马克思在建立自己理论体系的过程中,对人的本质问题进行了广泛、深入的研究,对人的本质的现实生成条件和具体生成过程进行了历史的探索与考察。
6)The nature of man人的本质
1.Marxist view on the nature of man is the scientific base for us to put people first,and to strengthen and improve ideological-political education.马克思人的本质观是坚持以人为本、加强和改进思想政治教育的科学依据。
2.But Carl Marx thinks,"the nature of man is the totality of all social relations".但是,马克思认为,“人的本质是一切社会关系的总和”,人的本质不仅仅是人与人的现实关系,而且是人与自然的现实关系,人的活动本身就是以人与人的关系来对待人与自然的关系。
3.This article, which applies the views of historical materialism on the nature of man , the value of man and the all round development of man, discusses the ideological and political education for college students.运用历史唯物主义关于人的本质、人的价值和人的全面发展的观点 ,阐述了高校大学生思想政治工作应从实际出发 ,坚持以人为本 ,遵循人的本质、体现人的价值 ,努力实现社会价值与个人价值的统一 ,以促进人的全面发

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。