人的特性,Human Idiocrasy
1)Human Idiocrasy人的特性

1.Japanese Identity: Homogeneity or Difference?日本人的特性:同质性或是特异性?
2.attribute human qualities to something.给某事物赋予人的特性
3.a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts people.取悦于人而吸引人的特性
4.human being as an individual with distinct characteristics(有某种个性或特性的)人
5.The endearing charm of a little child.小孩子惹人爱怜的特性
6.remove the qualities typical of one's sex.失去某人典型的性特征。
7.a man of marked individuality一个有特异个性的人
8.a pronoun expressing a distinction of person.表示人称特性的代词。
9.A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, a group, or a category.特色,特征个人、集体或范畴的区别性特征或属性
10.The Unique Consideration of "Human Nature"--A Superficial Analysis of Liang Shiqiu s Theory of Human Nature;“人性”的独特思考——浅析梁实秋的人性论
11.To ascribe human characteristics to.拟人,赋予人性赋予…以人的特征
12.Characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a woman.女人具有的有女性通常所具有的特征或特性的
13.A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征
14.Feminity and Humanity--Analysis of Mrs.Hunter s Individuality in The Eye of the Storm;女性 人性——浅析《风暴眼》女主人翁亨特太太的个性
15.The Symbolization of Sex in Lady Chatterley’s Lover;《查特莱夫人的情人》中“性”的象征意蕴
16.Correlation between sex role types and personality of college students;大学生性别特质类型与人格特征的相关性
17.Speech Enhancement Method of Auditory and Speech Spectrum Characteristics Applied in Speaker Identification听觉特性和语谱特性在说话人识别中的应用
18.Kant understands rationality as the distinguishing feature of human beings, which enables them to have a free will.康德把理性理解为人的显著特性,这种特性赋予人自由的意志。

the characteristics of human nature人性的特点
1.This paper discusses the characteristics of human nature in people s communication, opposite sexual communication and emotions, from which this paper expounds educational art.文章阐述了人际交往、两性交往和情绪情感中人性的特点 ,并从人性特点出发论述了育人的艺术。
3)special property of the human race人的类特性
1.As a new viewpoint of social civilization, sustainable development embodies the special property of the human race.作为一种新的社会文明观,它凸显出人的类特性,它的实现也有赖于人类对自身类特性的高度理性认同。
4)Personal quality; character.人的性格,特性
5)characteristic and animality of person人的动物性和人的特性
6)the character of the existence of being人的存在特性

3D特性翻译为:AlphaBlending(α混合)  简单地说这是一种让3D物件产生透明感的技术。屏幕上显示的3D物件,每个像素中有红、绿、蓝三组数值。若3D环境中允许像素能拥有一组α值,我们就称它拥有一个α通道。α值的内容,是记载像素的透明度。这样一来使得每一个物件都可以拥有不同的透明程度。比如说,玻璃会拥有很高的透明度,而一块木头可能就没什么透明度可言。α混合这个功能,就是处理两个物件在萤幕画面上叠加的时候,还会将α值列入考虑,使其呈现接近真实物件的效果。