共生说,symbiotic theory
1)symbiotic theory共生说

1.endosymbiotic theory内共生起源理论,内共生说
2."Xin""Wu",Existance and Coexistence--the theory of "Yi Hua";“心”“物”化生与共——“一画”说
3.Identify with the hero of a novel跟小说中的主人公发生共鸣
4.A New Hypothesis on Small & Medium Business Financing: Commensal Financing Model;中小企业融资新假说:共生融资模型
5.resonance theory of hearing听觉共鸣说 听觉共鸣说
6.theory of common mediation共同中介说 共同中介说
7.Doctor Thea says a change could lead to new training for community health workers.西亚医生说公共卫生人员应该接受新的培训。
8.A Preliminary Analysis on Individualized Writing and Publicized Writing of Newborn Generation;新生代小说写作的个人化与公共化探析
9.The Consensus Between Moral and Life:On the Paradoxical Narrative of Old School Novels;道德与生活共识:论旧派小说的背反性叙述
10.Researches into Motives and Tactics of Learners,as Non-English Postgraduates in English Listening and Speaking Courses;公共研究生英语听说课学习者动机和策略研究
11.On English Writing Course;从二元对立走向二元共生——管中窥豹说写作
12.Elizabeth hears Mr. Darcy say that she is not pretty enough to dance with.因为她听说达西先生说她不够漂亮,没有资格与他共舞。
13.The administration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged.凯特先生说,如果欧共体一意孤行,美国政府将于六周后开始报复。
14.Mr. Liang says that he is wiser than the Communist Party on the peasant question -- will anybody believe that?说梁先生对于农民问题的见解比共产党还高明,有谁相信呢?
15.The statement of the spokesman for the Communist Party of China, he added, "does not seem to be serious enough in its attitude" and, moreover, "causes complications".并且说中共发言人的声明“态度上似乎不够郑重”,而且是“节外生枝”。
16.Disheng Ye said, currently there are a total of 2,000 US capital corporations in Tianjin with total investment values of 2 billion US dollars.叶迪生说,目前投资天津的美资企业共二千家,投资总额二十亿美元。
17.Generally slipping would occur at the inner race because the outer race provided the greatest conformity.一般来说,由于外圈具有最大的共曲性,滑动常常发生在内圈滚道上。
18.the brief fiction The Hunter and the Wolf describes a lively story about a hunter who"dances with wolves".短篇小说《猎人与狼》描写了猎人“与狼共舞”的生动故事。

the Endosymbiontic Hypothesis内共生假说
1.This paper will summarize the Endosymbiontic Hypothesis and the Intercellular o-rigin Hypothesis of chloroplast and mitochondrion.本文主要综述了线粒体、叶绿体的内共生假说和分化假说。
3)resonance hypothesis共振假说
4)Gong Gong legend共工传说
5)public speech公共演说
1.Based on a detailed analysis of some public speeches,the present study aims to apply relevant theories to explore the use of pragmatic strategies,such as the unconventional choices of person deixis,proper redundancy strategy and code-switching strategy in the public speeches.以公共演说的一些实例为语料,结合语用学的相关理论,对演讲语篇中所采用的非常规性使用人称指示语、适当冗余策略及语码转换策略等语用策略作一分析,以期教师在外语教学中,能注重培养学习者掌握正确的语用策略,提高他们的语用能力和教学能力。
6)the correlational hypothesis共存假说

内共生内共生 病毒与宿主细胞达到一种相对稳定状态。