生物死亡,biological death
1)biological death生物死亡
2)biological death生物学死亡
3)death regeneration死亡-再生
4)on the edge of death生死存亡
1.While the public libraries of large and medium cities develop faster where the "hard" and "soft" equipment is also on a high level,the libraries at county level develop more slowly,lag behind and are even on the edge of death.我国图书馆事业发展不平衡,国家图书馆,省级图书馆发展较快,县级图书馆发展不如人意,有的甚至处在生死存亡的边缘。

1.It's the last-ditch fight for them.这就是他们生死存亡的最后一搏了。
2.The fate of civilization, it appeared, hung in the balance.看起来,这是人类文明生死存亡的关头。
3.The Chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake.中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头。
4.the salvation of his party was the president's major concern.对党的命运的挽救关系到国家的生死存亡
5.National Security is an important issue which relates directly to the fate of a state.国家安全是关系到国家生死存亡的重大问题。
6.The improvement of the work style of the party in power means its life and death.例:⑴执政党的党风建设关系到它的生死存亡
7.Brand Strategy-the Life-and-Death Strategy for Huangshi Clothing Industry;名牌战略:黄石服装行业生死存亡的战略
8.alive or dead, alive or dead,alive or dead, alive, dead, alive.生存或者死亡,生存或者死亡,生存或者死亡生存或者死亡
9.A Life Facing Death: The Thought of Death and Exist in Camus Work;“向死而生”:如缪作品中对死亡和生存的思考
10.The long habit of living indisposeth us for die.长期的 “生存”习惯,使我们不愿意死亡。
11.There're a one or a zero,alive or dead这里只有一和零,生存和死亡
12.Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will come off in safety.投之亡地然后存,陷之死地然后生。
13.To be or not to be, that’s a question.-"Hamlet"生存还是死亡,这是一个问题。《哈姆雷特》
14.Conclusion: There were several causes on the fever of posttrauma brain ingury.29例发热好转,12例呈植物生存或死亡。
15.To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.把死亡当作生命反面就是对死亡不能独立存在的事实的无知。
16.Consciousness of Being and Quest of soul in Dong Xi's Death Narrative死亡:叙述生存的自觉与灵魂的追问——对东西“死亡叙事”的探究
17.The Bitterness of Living and the Transcendence of Death──An Approach to Ruan Ji s Tragic Life;生存的苦涩与死亡的超越──论阮籍的悲剧人生
18.You're a one or a zero.Alive or dead, or dead要么你是一,要么你就是零,生存或者死亡

biological death生物学死亡
3)death regeneration死亡-再生
4)on the edge of death生死存亡
1.While the public libraries of large and medium cities develop faster where the "hard" and "soft" equipment is also on a high level,the libraries at county level develop more slowly,lag behind and are even on the edge of death.我国图书馆事业发展不平衡,国家图书馆,省级图书馆发展较快,县级图书馆发展不如人意,有的甚至处在生死存亡的边缘。
5)Revival in Death死亡再生
6)birth death新生死亡

生物学死亡生物学死亡biological death  生物体细胞停止代谢活动,生物电消失的不可逆状态,表现为一切静止,变为僵尸,继而出现组织变性坏死和崩解。