真象,real appearance
1)real appearance真象

1.I an resolved to know the truth.我决定要去了解真象
2.There's a bandit's phiz for you!他那面孔,真象土匪。
3.That man will discover the truth.那个人肯定能弄清真象
4.I am going to ascertain the truth.我将弄清事实真象
5.You speak like a man of spirit.你说的话真象个大丈夫。
6.They are shaped like sharks.它们的外形真象鲨鱼。
7."Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife."小李真象他爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的
8.This,@ thought the elephant, @is beautiful.“真漂亮。”大象心想。
9.An image so transmitted.传真图象利用传真方法传送的图象
10.Truth of Imagination;想象的真理——论想象与真理的关系
11.Eastern Hemisphere东半球(气象传真用语
12.It is positively amazing.这真是令人惊奇的景象。
13.It was a breathtaking sight.那真是扣人心弦的景象。
14.Indeed, I should be sorry to look like him.说真的,我象他才倒楣啦。
15.weather teletype and facsimile system气象电传与传真系统
16.This place is awful like a dungeon!这地方真要命,象个土牢!
17.This dream is too real.这个梦太象真的了。
18.as innocent as a newborn baby象初生婴儿般天真单纯

distorting phenomenon失真现象
1.A kind of distorting phenomenon may take place in assessing the mining rights of the late-staged mines by means of DCF method.在采矿权评估中,运用现金流量法评估中晚期生产矿山采矿权价值时可能会产生一种失真现象。
3)Vacuum phenomenon真空现象
1.Results According to the CT findings of the 94 cases processus articularis arthropathy,CT signs and the syndrome of this disease were summarized five types:①zygapophyseal hypertrophy and osteophyte formation;②stricture or asymmetry of articular space ;③vacuum phenomenon of articular space ;④pachynsis or calcification of articular capsule ;⑤articular instabili.结果 通过 94例关节突关节病的CT所见 ,总结出 5项主要征象 :①关节增生肥大及骨赘形成 ;②关节间隙狭窄或宽窄不等 ;③关节间隙内真空现象 ;④关节囊肥厚或钙化 ;⑤关节不稳。
4)Qi Xiang Xian Zhen器象显真
1.Translation of Western Engineering Graphics Literature and Its Introduction to China from “Qi Xiang Xian Zhen”;从《器象显真》看西方工程图学的引进
5)vacuum image真空图象
6)simulative object仿真对象
1.In this model, a simulative object is considered the basic unit,and complex events’ time-stamp is discussed, which is used as a proof to make parallel events be processed correctly and effectively.在该模型中引入仿真对象并将其作为仿真处理的基本单元;引入事件发生的时间属性并将其作为时序的依据,使并行执行的事件能被正确有效地处理。
