哲学的时代性,the epochal nature of philosophy
1)the epochal nature of philosophy哲学的时代性
2)modernity of philosophy哲学的现代性
1.It was on this foundation that Feuerbach totally negated traditional metaphysics,thus leading to a revolution not only in the history of human perception theories,but also in the history of western philosophy since he initiated modernity of philosophy.正是借助于感性本体论 ,费尔巴哈对传统形而上学进行了颠覆性的批判 ;在这个意义上 ,费尔巴哈的感性本体论不仅是人类感性学说史上的一场革命 ,而且是西方哲学史上的一场革命 ,因为他开启了哲学的现代性。

1.Modernization and post-modernization of Zhuang Zi s"non-restraint"philosophy;庄子“无待”哲学的现代性与后现代性
2.On Modernity of Marxist Philosophy;从哲学转向的角度看马克思主义哲学的现代性
3.History Transition of the Western Philosophical Theme and the Question of Modernity of China s Philosophy;西方哲学主题的历史转换与中国哲学的现代性问题
4.Adorno s Philosophy of Modernity in the Post Modernist Context;后现代语境下的阿多诺的现代性哲学
5.History·Philosophy·Science:Modern "Besieged Fortress" of Novel Ideas of China;史性·哲性·科学性:小说观念的现代“围城”
6.Framing of Philosophy and Reflections on Modernity: Philosophical Significance of Reflections on Modernity;哲学的建构与现代性的反思——现代性反思的哲学意义
7.The Significance of Modern German Philosophy:Preface to Modern German Philosophy;现代德国哲学的意义——《现代德国哲学》序
8.Philosophical Explanation of Creating The Characterized Feature;塑造“性格化”人物形象的现代哲学阐释
9.The Meeting of Feminism and Latter Modernism;论女性主义与后现代主义哲学的相遇
10.Process Philosophy --As Constructive Postmodernism;过程哲学——作为建设性的后现代主义
11.Entering the Philosophy of Industry:from the Perspective of Modernity Studies;走向产业哲学——从现代性研究的视角看
12.On Absurdity and Its Philosophy in the Modern British and American Literature;英美现代派文学中的荒诞及其哲理性
13.Understand Modernity of Marxist Philosophy Under the Western Background;在现代西方哲学的背景下认识马克思主义哲学的当代性
14.Philosophers and Philosophical Issues under Modern Disciplinary Institution;现代学科体制下的哲学家、哲学问题
15.Dialogues between Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology:A Historical Analysis;当代西方分析哲学与现象学对话的现实性分析
16.On Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of Tujia Philosophy;民族性与现代性:土家族哲学视域的20世纪中国哲学
17.Modern Chinese Philosophy Viewed against “Macro-philosophy”;“大哲学”视野中的现代中国的哲学
18.The Challenge of Postmodern Philosophy and the Response of Systematic Philosophy;后现代哲学的挑战与系统哲学的回应

modernity of philosophy哲学的现代性
1.It was on this foundation that Feuerbach totally negated traditional metaphysics,thus leading to a revolution not only in the history of human perception theories,but also in the history of western philosophy since he initiated modernity of philosophy.正是借助于感性本体论 ,费尔巴哈对传统形而上学进行了颠覆性的批判 ;在这个意义上 ,费尔巴哈的感性本体论不仅是人类感性学说史上的一场革命 ,而且是西方哲学史上的一场革命 ,因为他开启了哲学的现代性。
3)contemporariness of Chinese philosophy中国哲学的当代性
1.If new developments in Chinese philosophy in contemporary China mean displaying the contemporariness of Chinese philosophy,then we need to understand what this term means.如果说当代中国哲学的新开展意味着中国哲学的当代性展开,那么首要的问题就是理解何谓当代性。
4)period of post-analytic philosophy后分析哲学时代
1.The development of analytic philosophy in the 20th century makes clear that this magnificent philosophical movement has come to its end since its fundamental characteristics had already disappeared,which indicates the dawn of "period of post-analytic philosophy".20世纪百年分析哲学的历程表明,这一曾经声势浩大的哲学运动已经终结,其基本特征已经不复存在,这预示着英美哲学界“后分析哲学时代”的来临。
5)A Philosophical Concern of Industry and Era产业·时代·哲学
6)human-nature philosophy人性的哲学
1.This paper aims to supply psychological base to remedy criminal mentality by exploring sentence-serving prisoners human-nature philosophy.方法是以《人性的哲学修订量表》(Wrightsman,1974)为主要的调查工具,对200名进监不足一年的服刑人员进行人性的哲学的调查,并以80名在校大学生为对照。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀