社会矛盾分析,analysis of social contradiction
1)analysis of social contradiction社会矛盾分析

1.Study of Social Contradictions and their Settlement System in Tibet;西藏社会矛盾分析及其解决机制研究
2.Proper Understanding of the Social Contradiction Taking Efforts to Construct a Harmonious Tibet --An Analysis of the Social Contradiction in Tibet;正确认识西藏社会矛盾 努力构建和谐西藏——新时期西藏社会矛盾分析
3.Principal Contradiction and Basic Contradiction in Socialist China;中国社会主义社会基本矛盾和主要矛盾的分析
4.On the Inner Conflict of People Under the Airn of Harmonious Society;和谐社会目标下的人民内部矛盾分析
5.Analysis of Needs Changes of Social Major Contradiction;关于社会主要矛盾中需求变化的分析
6.Contradiction Analysis of University Students Profession-choosing Psychology and Society Requirement;大学生择业心理与社会需求之矛盾分析
7.The Characteristics and the Economic Analysis of Social Contradictories Present in China;当前我国社会矛盾的特点及其经济分析
8.An Analysis of the Contradictions Among the Social Strata in our Country at the Present Stage and the Resolution Countermeasures;现阶段我国社会阶层矛盾分析及其解决对策
9.Study on Personality Conflict and Possibility of Causing Crime in Transition Period of Present Age in China Society;当代社会转型中人格矛盾及致罪的可能性分析
10.An analysis of the emergency and inherent contradictions of the realistic socialism;现实社会主义的产生及其内在矛盾分析
11.An Analysis of Inside-people Contradiction in Building a Harmonious Society构建和谐社会背景下的人民内部矛盾问题分析
12.Analysis and Countermeasures on Solution of the Contradictions in Huizhou City's Rural Area from the View of Harmonious Society和谐社会视野下惠州农村矛盾分析及对策
13.Formulation and Implementation of Public Policies and Conflictions among Nationalities--Political Reasons for Conflictions among Nationalities in the Primary Stage of Socialism;公共政策的制定和实施与民族矛盾——社会主义初级阶段民族矛盾的政治原因分析之二
14.Analyses on Relationship Between Persons Being Basic Contradiction of Society探析人与人之间关系是社会基本矛盾
15.The second part is dedicate to analysis the cause of national contradiction in SPS.第二部分对社会主义初级阶段民族矛盾的原因进行了分析。
16.The Sino-japanese National Conflict Became Sign of the Principal Contradiction in Chinese Society试析中日民族矛盾成为中国社会主要矛盾的标志
17.An Exploration on the Importance of Social Policies in Adjusting and Controlling Social Conflicts;社会政策在调控社会矛盾冲突中的作用探析
18.This school of Socialism dissected with great acuteness the contradictions in the conditions of modern production.这种社会主义非常透彻地分析了现代生产关系中的矛盾。

social conflicts社会矛盾
1.This article aims to illustrate the complicated content or history of the Land Revolution by investigating the social conflicts and their interference with the Revolutio.但是,在土地革命时期赣南地区具体的社会历史场景中,不同社会人群之间的分化与对立呈多元状态,错综复杂的社会矛盾介入土地革命运动,从而使党的革命斗争充满了复杂性,而不完全表现为单纯的阶级斗争。
2.At present,China is in a situation in which social conflicts appear protruding.当前,我国正处于社会矛盾的凸显期。
3)Social contradiction社会矛盾
1.Construction of a harmonious society and coordination of social contradiction;和谐社会构建与社会矛盾协调
2.Strategic construction on social contradiction in critical period and harmonious society;关键时期的社会矛盾与和谐社会的战略构建
3.Social integration is an important task of the ruling party,which includes response to social contradictions,strengthening of social cooperation,and perfection of benefit expression and coordination mechanism.应对社会矛盾、加强社会管理、增强社会协同、健全利益表达和协调机制,是社会整合的重要内容。
4)social conflict社会矛盾
1.Analysis on the third sector s control and regulation over social conflicts;第三部门对社会矛盾冲突的调控作用探析
2.To proper handle social conflict and construct harmonious soci ety;妥善处理社会矛盾 构建和谐社会
3.Measurements should be taken to ease up the social conflicts brought up by pola.应该采取措施缓和两极分化带来的社会矛盾。
5)social contradictions社会矛盾
1.In addition,many social contradictions and social problems have emerged.贫富差距扩大,引发了弱势群体相对剥夺感显化、违法犯罪活动大量增加,出现了许多社会矛盾和问题。
2.The appearance of social contradictions conform to the principle of contradiction universality.社会矛盾的产生符合矛盾普遍性原理,其在现实层面上有多种表现。
3.With the further deepening and development of social reforms,Tibet has entered into a period of the appearance of social contradictions,with its apparent regional characteristics and its complexity.随着改革的深化与发展,西藏进入了社会矛盾凸现期,并呈现出鲜明的地区性特点,具有复杂性和尖锐性。
6)contradiction analysis矛盾分析
1.If inspected in the light of the theory of contradiction analysis,the issue of public ethics in the transitional society is reflected in two contradictions,namely,regulation of public ethics and personal behavior,and the needs and supply of public ethics.按照矛盾分析法的理论考察,我国转型期的社会公德问题表现为两对矛盾,即公德规范与个人行为的矛盾、公德需求与公德供给的矛盾,两对矛盾相互依存、相互影响。
2.Combining contradiction analysis with systematic analysis is the basic method.实事求是,尊重客观辩证法,是邓小平辩证思维的根本指导原则;把矛盾分析和系统分析结合起来,是邓小平辩证思维的基本方法;重视矛盾同一性在事物发展中的作用,是邓小平辩证思维的时代特征;善于透过现象揭示本质,排除干扰把握大势,是邓小平辩证思维的独特风格;把唯物辩证法思想转化为实践和认识方法,是邓小平辩证思维的落足点。

两类不同性质的社会矛盾  指社会主义社会中存在的敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾。1957年 2月毛泽东在《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》中第一次明确地提出了这一概念。    毛泽东认为,人民和敌人是一对历史的范畴,在不同国家和各个国家的不同历史时期,有着不同的内容。在建设社会主义的时期,一切赞成、拥护和参加社会主义建设事业的阶级、阶层和社会集团,都属于人民的范围;一切反抗社会主义革命和敌视、破坏社会主义建设的社会势力和社会集团,都是人民的敌人。敌我之间的矛盾是对抗性的矛盾;人民内部矛盾,一般说来是在人民利益根本一致基础上的非对抗性的矛盾(见对抗性矛盾与非对抗性矛盾)。两类社会矛盾的性质不同,解决的方法也就不同。解决敌我矛盾,用专政的方法;解决人民内部矛盾,用民主的方法,即用"团结──批评──团结"的方法。解决两类不同性质的社会矛盾,都要围绕着把国内外一切积极因素调动起来,为社会主义事业服务这一基本方针。