个人集合体,the collective body of individuals
1)the collective body of individuals个人集合体
1.That one person obeys the rule can develop into that the collective body of individuals obey the rule.由个人遵从规则可以过渡到所有个人集合体共同遵从规则的情况。
2)the collectivized individual集体化个人
3)individual and collective个人和集体
1.Its most outstanding character is the union of theory and practice,the union of time and space,the u-nion of individual and collective.谈话的最鲜明特征,就是坚持了理论和实践的统一,时间和空间的统一,个人和集体的统一。

1.But now the land is being divided into individual and group ownership plots.但如今正把土地一块块分给个人和集体
2.Farmers and herdsmen, individually or collectively, need pay no taxes for selling or exchanging their farm produce, livestock products or handicrafts.农牧民个人和集体上市出售、交换农牧副和手工业产品,一律不收税。
3.Equal emphasis should be placed on collective leadership and individual responsibility.集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。
4.We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.我们要兼顾国家,集体和个人的利益。
5.New Theory of Legislation of State Property Rights,Collective Ownership and Ownership of Personal Property by Citizens;国家、集体和公民个人所有权立法新论
6.By the same token, rewards also should go to specific collectives and persons.同样,奖励也必须奖到具体的集体和个人才行。
7.State-owned or collective-owned waste hills or unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation may be contracted to individuals or collectives for afforestation.国家和集体所有的宜林荒山荒地可以由个人或者集体承包造林。
8.On Individualism and Collectivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology跨文化心理学中个人主义和集体主义研究概述
9.function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of labour实行集体领导和个人分工负责制相结合的制度
10.A Contrast and Analyses between American Individualism and Chinese Collectivism;美国个人主义和中国集体主义对照与分析
11.Tracing to the Source of Myth of the Collectivism and the Individualism in Sino-Western Literature;中西文学中集体主义和个人主义的神话溯源
12.A comparative study of the athletes self confidence in collective and individual items;集体项目和个人项目运动员自信心的比较研究
14.I-intention and We-intention to Contribute to WikiProjects维基任务中知识贡献的个人意愿和集体意愿
15.On the Relation Between“Individualism”and “Collective”in“New Collectivism”;“新集体主义”对“个人”与“集体”关系的诠释
16.Any individual is a member of the collective.个人是集体的一分子。
17.The we should always precede the I.集体总应先于个人。
18.individual and collective self-defence单独(个别)和集体自卫

the collectivized individual集体化个人
3)individual and collective个人和集体
1.Its most outstanding character is the union of theory and practice,the union of time and space,the u-nion of individual and collective.谈话的最鲜明特征,就是坚持了理论和实践的统一,时间和空间的统一,个人和集体的统一。
4)aggregate of individuals个人的集合
5)individuals communities个人联合体
6)Class and Individual班集体与个人

个人主义-集体主义维度个人主义-集体主义维度individualism-collectivism dimension 个人主义~集体主义维度(ind,vidualism-collectiVism dimension)美l国管理心理学家吉特·霍夫斯泰特(ll。fstede,G.)提出的民族文化的第三个维度。这里,个人主义和集体主义是指两种截然不同的社会结构。个人主义是一种组织松散的社会结构,组织成员只关心个人或自己的家庭;集体主义是种组织严密的社会结构,成员的期望寄托于组织内部群体,为此他们对组织绝对忠诚。两种社会结构的成员有不同的特征,如个人主义表现为关心自己和自己的家庭,同一性建立在个人基础上,强调个人的积极性和成就等:而集体主义则有依赖集体、忠诚集体,归属于组织、相信组织等心理特征。 (孙俊山撰张燮审)