非存在对象,Non-existent objects
1)Non-existent objects非存在对象
2)object existence对象性存在

1.Unscramble "Alienation in Work" form "the Objectivity Existing" --By reading Economics and Philosophy Manuscript in 1884从“对象性存在”解读“异化劳动”思想——读马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》
2.The dual nature of the human existence and that of rational target provide a rational basis of reasonableness for the existence of rational value and tools.人的双重性存在以及理性对象的双重性为价值理性与工具理性存在的提供了合理性依据。
3.Mirror Image That Human world Exists──Studying about the Reason Handhold of Tragedy for Human Existence by Hegle;人类世界之镜象──考察黑格尔对于人类存在悲剧性的理性把握
4.A schema object with that name already exists. Try entering another name for the property.已存在同名的架构对象。请为该属性输入其他名称。
5.A schema object with that name already exists. Try entering some other name for the property已存在同名的架构对象。请为该属性输入一个其它名称
6.Sexual harassment against children by clergymen in the United States is serious.美国教会神职人员存在严重的对儿童性骚扰现象。
7.An Analysis of the Ontological Significance of Objectivity in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844;试析《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中对象性思想的存在论意义
8.They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners.存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。
9.The phenomenon of female sterility is common in plant.雌性不育现象在植物界内普遍存在着。
10.The following are referencing the pipeline '{0}' which no longer exists.以下对象正在引用不再存在的管道“{0}”。
11.An object used for storing temporary or persistent data.用于存储临时或持久性数据的对象。
12.Analyzing the Survival Status of the Object TV Program Belonging to Social-educational Category;电视社教类对象性节目生存状态解析
13.The contrary mentality which exists in the objects of ideological and political education has deeply influenced the effect of ideological and political education.思想政治教育工作中教育对象所存在的"逆反心理"现象,严重影响了思想政治教育工作的有效性。
14.Convergence and Existence of Fixed Points of Set-valued Nonexpansive Mapping集值非扩张映象不动点存在与收敛性
15.This object name already exists. Choose a different name.对象名称已经存在。请选择其他名称。
16.Objects exist which are not owned by the database owner.存在不属于数据库所有者的对象。
17.A relationship definition does not exist that connects the specified object types.不存在连接指定对象类型的关系定义。
18.Object no longer exists due to compile error or deletion.由于编译错误或被删除,对象已不存在。

object existence对象性存在
3)relative existence对象化存在
4)existence with object对象性的存在
5)abstract entities抽象存在
6)existence or nonexistence存在或非在
1.There are four duets of great categories on the essential contradictions in the theory of philosophical object, including Existor or Nonexistor(the extrinsic contradiction of the Existor), Positive and Negative(the intrinsic contradiction of the Existor), Existence or Nonexistence(the extrinsic contradiction of Being), Real-existence and Ought-existence(the intrinsic contradiction of existence).进而,提出了哲学对象论有四对基本矛盾大范式——在者或非在者(在者的外在矛盾),正者与反者(在者的内在矛盾),存在或非在(存在的外在矛盾),实在与应在(存在的内在矛盾)。

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸