传统物质观,traditional view of matter
1)traditional view of matter传统物质观
1.The paper summarizes the general meaning of traditional view of matter from the angle of history of thought,then narrates the demand of changes of that the thought of two sided theory and the principle of evolutionism and the predicament of mind-body problem for the traditional view of matter,and finally expounds the possibility of changing the traditional view of matter.传统物质观(和精神观)的不当性已逐渐显露,质疑和变革之声慢慢产生。
2)Traditional essentialism传统本质观
1.Traditional essentialism consider things all bear its essence, which is a absolute and perfect(ideal) form, which is real and eternal without a doubt.传统本质观认为事物均有其本质,本质是一完全的、理想形式,它的存在是不容怀疑地真实的、确切的,永恒不变的。
3)traditional biomass传统生物质
1.However,in the same classification of bio- mass,energy crops and traditional biomass have the same weight.利用热天平研究了4种不同类型的传统生物质与2种能源作物在氮气气氛下的热解失重特性,并分别对其反应动力学参数进行了计算。

1.Comparative Study on Pyrolysis Characteristic of Energy Crops and Traditional Biomass能源作物与传统生物质热解特性对比研究
2.Could the Matter Produce the Idea--A Query on the Proof of the Ontology of Traditional Materialism;物质能产生意识属性吗——对传统唯物主义本体论证明的质疑
3.Study on Traditional Life-care in View of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Residential Environment非物质文化视野下的传统养生与居住环境研究
4.Microflora and nutrition of traditional sour meat in Libo贵州荔波传统酸肉微生物菌群与营养品质评价
5.Going to original state of traditional Wushu inheritance under perspective of non-material cultural heritage非物质文化遗产视域下传统武术传承的原生态回归
6.The Paradox of Traditional Wushu "Original Ecology" Inheritance under the View of Intangible Cultural Heritage非物质文化遗产视域下传统武术“原生态”传承之悖论
7.neurotransmitter system神经介质系统 神经传导物质系统
8.a hereditary character(istic)【生物】遗传特质 [特征]
9.A variety of systems have been suggested for the production of unconventional foods, primarily protein.人们曾提出各种不同的系统来生产以蛋白质为主的非传统食物。
10.The long history of traditional biotechnology may be cited as evidence of its benign nature传统的生物技术的悠久历史也作为证明其良好品质的事实之一
11.As far as the essential of life gate, we will explore it from many aspects including germ plasm, biology instinct and life activity.而命门的实质,则应从包括遗传物质、物本能以及生命活动在内的多系统、层面去探讨。
12.Material and Immaterial:Protection and Development of Traditional Crafts and Fine Arts;物质与非物质:传统工艺美术的保护与发展
13.Simulation of heat and mass transfer in fractal porous media during freeze drying of biological materials生物材料冻干过程分形多孔介质传热传质模拟
14.On Traditional Wushu in Intangible Cultural Heritage Preserve;论非物质文化遗产保护中的传统武术
15.Traditional Wushu--Reason of the Nonmaterial Culture Extinction;传统武术——非物质文化濒临灭绝的原因
16.A Brief Discussion on the Relationship Between the Great Development in the Western region and the Traditional National Material Culture;浅论西部大开发与民族传统物质文化
17.Research into the Intangible Inheritance of Traditional Wushu--From the Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage;传统武术的非物质性传承研究——从非物质文化遗产的视角
18.Discusses the traditional martial arts from the non-material culture protection the inheritance;从非物质文化的保护谈传统武术的传承

Traditional essentialism传统本质观
1.Traditional essentialism consider things all bear its essence, which is a absolute and perfect(ideal) form, which is real and eternal without a doubt.传统本质观认为事物均有其本质,本质是一完全的、理想形式,它的存在是不容怀疑地真实的、确切的,永恒不变的。
3)traditional biomass传统生物质
1.However,in the same classification of bio- mass,energy crops and traditional biomass have the same weight.利用热天平研究了4种不同类型的传统生物质与2种能源作物在氮气气氛下的热解失重特性,并分别对其反应动力学参数进行了计算。
4)traditional education quality views传统教育质量观
1.The radical change between traditional education quality views and modern education quality views is achieved the transformation from"eligible product"to"custom-satisfied products".传统教育质量观与现代教育质量观的根本变化是:实现了从"合格产品"到"用户满意"的转变。
5)traditional view of historical materialism传统唯物史观
6)traditional concept传统观念
1.Our adoption of market economy exposes people s traditional concepts to various impacts,and righteousness and profit become hot issues in the study of applied ethics.当我国迈进市场经济的时候,人们的传统观念也开始遭到冲击。
2.The transplanting of law is a melting process of different cultures and traditional concepts and realities,which plays an important part in the process of making the developing and undeveloped countries modernize with law.法律移植是多元文化之间及传统观念与现实之间相互碰撞融合过程,它对于发展中国家或后进国家实现法治现代化具有重要意义。
3.The basis of traditional concept of judicial expertise in ancient China come from the philosophy on the relationship between "Heaven" and "humanity" in Confucian ideology,the traditional basic characteristics and the historical features were identified by the theory of "Heaven and Man".中国古代司法鉴定的传统观念基础来自于儒家思想体系中关于"天道"与"人道"关系的哲学思考,"天人合一"理论决定了中国古代司法鉴定传统的基本特征和历史面貌。

传统传统tradition  传统(tradition)“传统,,」词从严格意义上讲,首先是指“传达”(tr翻smi-ssion),任何个体都可以从其所生存的社会中学习到若干道德准则、累积的知识,甚至是祖先的成见。第二是指文化的延续过程,即把本民族、本地区文化中选择出特别有价值的,作为“传统”代代沿袭。所以一种传统乃是由某一团体而并非某一个人所产生的一种稳定的行为方式或标准,具有加强团体凝聚力的强大社会心理效应。但由于传统中往往可能包含着某些陈旧落后的因素,因此随着社会文化的变革,旧的传统与新风尚之间往往容易发生冲突。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)