结构化阐释,constructional explanation
1)constructional explanation结构化阐释
2)cultural interpretation文化阐释
1.The Cultural Interpretation of the Description of Amphoterical Relationships in Toni Morrison s Novels;托妮·莫里森小说中两性关系描写的文化阐释
2.The Analysis and Cultural Interpretation of the Differences between Images of Genius and Beauty in "the Romance of the Western Chamber" and "the Peony Pavilion";《西厢记》《牡丹亭》才子佳人形象探异及其文化阐释
3.Furthermore, it discusses the significance of this symbolic system in cultural interpretation of Hani nationality.本文以哈尼族女性传统服饰为研究对象,在田野作业和文献资料的基础上,运用符号学的理论知识从服饰款型、色彩、佩饰、装饰图案以及服饰制作与更换五个方面剖析各服饰要素的文化象征,并进一步探讨这一符号系统的建构及在民族文化阐释中的意义。

1.Literary and Cultural Interpretations of Sexual-love Novels Written in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清性爱小说的文学观照及文化阐释
2.A Cultural Interpretation on Words of Textile, Clothing and Other Employing of Shouwenjiezi;《说文解字》纺织服用词汇的文化阐释
3.Chinese Culture Interpreted by “the heart ”Radical Chinese Characters in Paraphrasing Texts and Words(Shuo Wen Jie Zi);《说文解字》“心”部字的文化阐释
4.The Connotation Diagram and Culture Explanation of Spring Festival Gala Evening (SFGE) and Mid-Autumn Joyful Festival Evening (MJFE);“春晚”和“秋晚”的意义图式与文化阐释
5.Flok Standpoint and Cultural Explanation of Xiao Hong s Novel Creation;萧红小说创作的民间立场与文化阐释
6.The Modern Evolution and Gender Culture Illumination of Wu Zetian s Image;武则天形象现代流变及性别文化阐释
7.A Study of the Cultural Hermeneutics in Pearl S. Buck s Translation of All Men Are Brothers;赛珍珠英译《水浒传》的文化阐释研究
8.A Cultural Explanation on Mao Dun s Early Fictions about "Modern Women";文化阐释:茅盾“时代女性”创造新论
9.The Cultural Interpretation of "Soul" and "Dream" in Chinese Ancient Opera;中国古代戏曲“魂”、“梦”现象的文化阐释
10.Cultural Interpretations of Relationships of Wu Yue-niang in Jin Ping Mei;《金瓶梅》中吴月娘两性关系的文化阐释
11.An Interpretation of Harry Porter in Perspective of Culture;巫术的救赎:《哈利·波特》的文化阐释
12.The Cultural Explanation on Evolution of Chinese Women s Beauty in the 20th Century;20世纪中国女性美演变的文化阐释
13.Harmony in Family and the Administer of the Country--The Explanation of the Cultural Connotation in Guanju;室家之道与天下之理——《关雎》的文化阐释
14.Cultural Interpretations Of RelationshipsI Of PANJINLIAN In Jinpingmei;《金瓶梅》中潘金莲两性关系的文化阐释
15.Cultural Interpretations of Relationships of Xi Men-qing in JinPingMei;《金瓶梅》中西门庆两性关系的文化阐释
16.The New Concept and Explanation of Culture,Environment Culture;文化、环境文化概念的新界说及阐释
17.Attach Importance to the Effect of Cultural Background on Explanation of Documentary Words;重视文化背景对文献词语阐释的作用
18.The Cultural Implication in Modern Chinese Family Literature Interpreted;中国现代家庭文学文化意蕴阐释(续)

cultural interpretation文化阐释
1.The Cultural Interpretation of the Description of Amphoterical Relationships in Toni Morrison s Novels;托妮·莫里森小说中两性关系描写的文化阐释
2.The Analysis and Cultural Interpretation of the Differences between Images of Genius and Beauty in "the Romance of the Western Chamber" and "the Peony Pavilion";《西厢记》《牡丹亭》才子佳人形象探异及其文化阐释
3.Furthermore, it discusses the significance of this symbolic system in cultural interpretation of Hani nationality.本文以哈尼族女性传统服饰为研究对象,在田野作业和文献资料的基础上,运用符号学的理论知识从服饰款型、色彩、佩饰、装饰图案以及服饰制作与更换五个方面剖析各服饰要素的文化象征,并进一步探讨这一符号系统的建构及在民族文化阐释中的意义。
3)culture interpretation文化阐释
1.In modern litreature,writers from western Hunan Province stick to local culture interpretation and play a role in the exchange of chinese local culture with the foreign culture.在文学"现代"语境中,湘西作家群坚守本土文化阐释身份,以鲜明的民族性建构起当代中国区域文化之间、中西之间文化的对话平台。
4)cultural explanation文化阐释
1.Analyze the Cultural Explanation of "Qingzhen" from Hui Mosque "Qingzhen" Embedded Couplets;试析回族清真寺“清真”嵌字联对“清真”的文化阐释
5)Culture Explanation文化阐释
1.The Connotation Diagram and Culture Explanation of Spring Festival Gala Evening (SFGE) and Mid-Autumn Joyful Festival Evening (MJFE);“春晚”和“秋晚”的意义图式与文化阐释
6)constructive interpretation建构性阐释

阐释阐释interpretation  阐释(interpretat,on)见“解释‘’。