群体存在,collective existence
1)collective existence群体存在
1.The collective existence is the primitive form and a common state,which is of basic significance for human beings\' exsitence;the social existence is based on labor,which provides material conditions for human beings\' comprehensive existence.群体存在是人的类存在的原初形式和普遍状态,在人类共同生活的历史中具有基础性和发生学意义;人的社会存在是以劳动为基础的人的类存在的物质总和,它为人的总体性存在提供条件和基础,但是,其固有的矛盾直接导致人的本质无法根本实现;在历史批判的基础上,马克思提出,人的本质是人的真正的共同体,并由此构建了全新的"自由人联合体"的未来理想人类共同体存在方式及其现实发展道路。

1.A Philosophical Reflection on Human Beings' Collective Existence,Social Existence and Communal Existence人的群体存在、社会存在与共同体存在的哲学辨析
2.Factor and countermeasure of inferior group of students in colleges and universities;大学生体育弱势群体存在的原因及对策研究
3.Study the Issues and Countermeasure against the Special-Colony Student in University;高校特殊群体学生存在的问题及对策
4.Within every large group, such as the United States, there are many subgroups.在每个巨大的群体内,例如美国,还存在着许多子群体。
5.Problems in sports development of disadvantaged group in construction of harmonious society和谐社会构建中弱势群体体育发展存在的问题
6.The existence of the group of people gleaning and collecting scraps has its realistic base and necessity.拾荒群体的存在有其现实基础和必然性。
7.Furthmore, the genetic ditance and space isoltion were not interrelated.而且,群体的遗传距离与空间距离不存在相关性。
8.Global Existence and Stability of Solutions to the Three-Species Model with Cross-Diffusion;三种群交错扩散模型解的整体存在性和稳定性
9.Modeling and existence of enterprise synergy mechanisms;企业群体协同机制的形式化建模及存在性研究
10.Problems and Countermeasures in Development of Journals of Universities;浅析高校期刊群体发展存在的问题及其对策
11.Problems and Development of Mass Sport Organizations;群众性健身团体存在的问题及发展思路
12.The Reason for the Existance of the Newly Unemployed under the State Unit System--By Examples from Fuxin City;单位制下“新失业群体”存在的原因——以阜新为例
13.Problems and Countermeasures in the Disposal of Group Events in Recent Years群体性事件应对中存在的问题及对策分析
14.The result shows that there are many problems in the students' psychological health and the feature is that the mood of self contempt and depression exist more commonly.结果表明 ,这一群体在心理健康方面存在较多的问题。
15.The Study on the Problem and Countermeature of the Public Security Dealing with the Mass Event论公安机关在处置群体性事件中存在的问题及对策
16.It was found that the implicit effect of stereotype and ingroup favoritism remarkably existed;研究表明:刻板印象和内群体偏爱的内隐效应明显地存在;
17.The Attic Orators are an important group who mainly existed in the Classic Times of Ancient Greece.阿提卡演说家是存在于希腊古典时期的一个重要的知识分子群体。
18.Research on Problems and Solutions of Medium Speaking Rights in Condition of Diverse Interests Groups;利益群体多元化背景下媒介话语权发展存在的问题及对策研究

existential group存在句群
3)potential group潜在群体
1.Various individuals who share the same or similar sense of truth form a potential group,and literature is one of the approaches to turn this potential group which unites different individuals into a distinct group.拥有相近生命真理感的不同个体构成了一个潜在的群体,文学是把这一潜在群体中的个体联结在一起形成显在群体的方式之一。
4)distinct group显在群体
1.Various individuals who share the same or similar sense of truth form a potential group,and literature is one of the approaches to turn this potential group which unites different individuals into a distinct group.拥有相近生命真理感的不同个体构成了一个潜在的群体,文学是把这一潜在群体中的个体联结在一起形成显在群体的方式之一。
5)global existence整体存在
1.Global Existence and Blow-up of Solution to a Nonlocal Parabolic System;关于一类非局部抛物方程组解的整体存在与爆破
2.By comparison the theorem and the upper-lower solution method, the sufficient condition for the finite time bow-up and global existence of solution are established.研究了一类具有齐次Dirichlet边界条件和带局部反应源项的抛物方程,通过运用比较原理和上下解方法,构造特殊的辅助函数,给出了解在有限时间爆破和整体存在的一些充分条件。
3.By comparison theorem and the upper-lower solution method,the conditions for the global existence and the finite time blow-up of solution to the system are established.通过运用比较定理和构造上、下解方法,建立了该方程组解的整体存在和有限爆破的充分条件。
6)existence of the concrete具体存在
1.In his opinion,dialectics of the concrete criticizes the living conditions of human caused by capitalist mode of production,that is,dominated by "abstract",and it reveals the real way that people surmount "abstract" and realize "existence of the concrete",i.他将自己的辩证法称为"具体的辩证法",这种辩证法的批判锋芒直指由资本主义生产方式造成的人的"抽象"的生存状况;它所要揭示的,是人类超越资本的统治、实现"具体存在"也就是"人的全面发展"的现实道路。
