共同体存在,communal existence
1)communal existence共同体存在
1.With a view of historical criticism,Marx has pointed out that nature of human beings is community and hence constructed a communal existence for human beings based on the ideal of "a union of free persons".群体存在是人的类存在的原初形式和普遍状态,在人类共同生活的历史中具有基础性和发生学意义;人的社会存在是以劳动为基础的人的类存在的物质总和,它为人的总体性存在提供条件和基础,但是,其固有的矛盾直接导致人的本质无法根本实现;在历史批判的基础上,马克思提出,人的本质是人的真正的共同体,并由此构建了全新的"自由人联合体"的未来理想人类共同体存在方式及其现实发展道路。

1.A Philosophical Reflection on Human Beings' Collective Existence,Social Existence and Communal Existence人的群体存在、社会存在与共同体存在的哲学辨析
2.There are a lot of relationships within the academic community, including individual-individual relationship, individual-society relationship, individual-science relationship and science-society relationship.而学术共同体存在着诸多关系,包括人与人、人与社会、人与科学、科学与社会等关系。
3.There exist public goods, public interests and common wants as long as there are Human society and collectivity.只要存在人类社会、在集体,就会存在共同需要、共利益和公共物品。
4.In the original community, the public ownership existed in the form of both“ commonly-possessed” and“ individual-possessed”.在原始共同体中,公有制以“共同占有”和“个人占有”并存的方式存在。
5.Law of Universal Value:in the Name of All Existences on Earth;万有价值论——以万有存在和谐共同体的名义
6.To exist together, at the same time, or in the same place.共存在同一时间或在同一地方生存在一起
7.The two forms of Chinese have always co-existed peacefully for many years.此两种中文字体多年来一直都和平的共同存在著。
8.As a complex social problem, academic misconduct has been existing for a long time in the academic community.学术越轨作为一个复杂的社会问题已长久地存在于学术共同体中。
9.cloacae produced both ESBLs and AmpC enzyme.ESBLs和AmpC酶共同存在者为 9.73%。
10.They should draw upon one another's strong points through competition and comparison and should develop side by side by seeking common ground while shelving differences.在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
11.Catholicity and Sameness--An Exploration of Man s Extramundane Existence;共通性与共同性——从中国哲学看人的超越性存在
12.The existence of indeterminate factors in citation calculation implies that either scientists or editors have some big" error thinkings".引文计量中的不确定因素反映了科学主体和编辑主体共同存在的一个较大“误区”。
13.Common Understanding of Overall Value Rationality and Survival Ideal of "Civil Society Community" in Modern Society;现代社会整体性的价值理性共识与“公民社会共同体”的生存理想
14.The symbolic universe assigns ranks to various phenomena in a hierarchy of being, defining the range of the social within this hierarchy.在存在的阶层中,象徵共同体给各种现象指定各种层级,并依此定义社会的範围。
15.The phenomenon of the existence of isomers.同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象
16.Reflection on Existing Problems in the Rural Public Sports Service;农村公共体育服务存在的问题与思考
17.Presence is the link between time and existence and the common meaning.在场是存在与时间的纽带和共同的意义。
18.While these committees have their share of problems, participants believe they have generally functioned well.尽管这些委员会存在共同的问题,但他们自己认为总体上说是运行良好的。

3)survival community生存共同体
5)exist simultaneously; exist side by side同时存在
6)Common in a Life time共同在世
