主体操作信息,Operative information of subject
1)Operative information of subject主体操作信息
2)operational information操作信息
1.Aimed at improving the productivity and quality of enterprise,the sensor measurement system was used to test the operational information such as cutting force,torque,the average rotation speed of hand wheel,length locus of gravity center,task time and task error,and fatigue information such as subjective and objective fatigue in the precision machining.应用传感器系统,对精密加工中的切削力、转矩、手轮的平均转速、重心移动轨迹长、作业时间以及作业误差等操作信息和主观疲劳和客观疲劳等疲劳信息进行了测定。

1.This document provide information on the installation, configuration, and operation of the following components.本文件提供下列组件的安装、配置、操作信息
2.write-to-operator (WTO)记录信息通知操作员
3.informational messages (messages that do not require action)信息消息(不请求操作的消息)
4.Getting information on changes and deletions...正在获取有关改动和删除操作的信息...
5.write-to-operator with reply (WTOR)记录信息通知操作员并回答
6.This action is going to clear all the Facet information. Do you want to continue?此操作将清除所有方面信息。是否继续?
7.Show a warning before在执行以下操作之前显示警告信息
8.Study on Interoperability of Mine Spatial Information of WebGIS;基于WebGIS的矿山空间信息互操作研究
9.Information Asymmetry and Operational Risk Management of Commercial Banks;信息不对称与商业银行操作风险管理
10.Geospatial Information Integration and Interoperation Platform and Its QoS地理信息集成互操作平台及其QoS
11.A Framework of Operational Risk Management in Banks' IT Systems银行信息系统中操作风险管理的框架
12.Research on Information Monitoring Methods Based on Windows Operating SystemWindows操作系统的信息监控方法研究
13.Working memory (WM) is a system that is used for temporary storage and manipulation of information.工作记忆参与信息的短时贮存和操作加工。
14.Research on Interoperability Coordination Mechanism of Information Systems Based-on Multi-Agent基于多Agent信息系统互操作协作机制研究
15.Display the alarm information、 alarm menu and alarm sound in real time. Prompt the operator to pay attention to the alarm information and confirm it.实时推出告警信息、警画面、警音响。提示操作员注意告警信息并确认。
16.Optionally, you can specify the text of the message to send to the operator, and whether to include the error text in the message sent to the operator.您还可以指定发送到操作员的信息文本,以及是否将错误文本包含在发送给操作员的信息中。
17.Not able to establish backup operator privileges. Default security information may be used.无法建立备份操作权限。将使用默认的安全信息。
18.You must supply connection or data source information before attempting this operation.在进行此操作前必须提供连接或数据源信息。

operational information操作信息
1.Aimed at improving the productivity and quality of enterprise,the sensor measurement system was used to test the operational information such as cutting force,torque,the average rotation speed of hand wheel,length locus of gravity center,task time and task error,and fatigue information such as subjective and objective fatigue in the precision machining.应用传感器系统,对精密加工中的切削力、转矩、手轮的平均转速、重心移动轨迹长、作业时间以及作业误差等操作信息和主观疲劳和客观疲劳等疲劳信息进行了测定。
3)information manipulation信息操作
1.Studies reveal that senior officers of listed companies tend to an intention of information manipulation at disclosure of interim result and pre-announcement.上市公司管理层在中报披露和预约披露中可能存在信息操作的动机,同时我国上市公司卷入盈余管理的可能性比较大,以至有时并不完全遵循“早些公布好消息,迟些披露坏消息”的规律。
2.The conclusion is achieved that information manipulation in interim reports disclosure and precontract disclosure is conducted by the management and timing of annual reports and interim reports is distorted because of combinatorial motivation and information manipulation b.本文得出的研究结果认为上市公司管理层在中报披露和预约披露中可能存在信息操作,同时由于管理层的组合动机和信息操作行为,扭曲了年报和中报的披露时间安排。
4)operating main body操作主体
1.A brief talk on the social differentiation of Cuberspace operating main body;浅谈赛博空间操作主体的社会分化
5)information interoperability信息互操作
1.Ontology-Based Information Interoperability in Heterogeneous Resources;异构资源中基于本体的信息互操作性研究
6)operator message操作员信息
