中国化发展理论,Theory of Chinese development
1)Theory of Chinese development中国化发展理论
2)legal development theory in china中国法学发展理论

1.Deconstruction and Construction of Contemporary Legal Development Theory in China:A View of Human Based Perspective;当代中国法学发展理论的解构与建构——以人为本为视角的考察
2.Take Legal Theory’s Independence as an Angle to Dialysis the Development Direction of China’s Legal Theory以法学理论的独立性为视角透析中国法学理论的发展方向
3.Theoretical Innovations in the Development of Chinese Economic Law Jurisprudence during the Latest Thirty Years and Their Contributions;中国经济法学30年发展的理论创新及贡献
4.Scientific Outlook on Development: Adapting Marxism to Chinese Conditions;科学发展观:马克思发展理论的中国化
5.A Study of Theoretical Innovation and the Development of Chinese Theoretical Economics;理论创新与中国理论经济学发展研究
6.On the Development in the Science of Criminal law from Theoretical Study to Annotation;试论我国刑法学从论理到注释的发展
7.The Development Law Science and Delelopment of Law Science;“发展法学”与法学的发展——兼论经济法理论中的发展观
8.Retrospection and Prospect:A Theoretical Explanation of the Development of Chinese Jurisprudence over the Past 30 Years;中国法理学发展的理论诠释——三十年的回顾与展望
9.The Forefront of Development of Mixed Family--on Chinese Jurists Theoretical Contributions;混合法系发展的前沿——兼论中国法学家的理论贡献
10.On Theory of Form of Modern Chinese Poetics;论中国现代诗学的诗式理论及其发展
11.The application of student development theories in practice introduction to US s student development theories;学生发展理论在学生事务管理中的应用——美国学生发展理论简介
12.A Reflection on 30 Years' Development of "Theories on the Rule of Law " in China当代中国“法治理论”三十年发展的省思
13.The Study on the Teaching and Learning Methods on Geography Development in Middle School Since the Foundation of the State;建国以来中学地理教学方法发展研究
14.Meditation on the Development Strategy of the Discipline of Chinese Judicial Administration;中国司法管理学学科发展的战略思考
15.Development of Research Method of Musicology in New China (1949~1999);新中国音乐学研究方法论的发展(1949-1999)
16.Game Theory and Development of International Economic Law;国际关系理论中的博弈论与国际经济法的发展
17.Huang Kan s Inheritance and Evelopment to the Chinese Exegetics;黄侃对中国训诂学理论的传承与发展
18.On the integration of Literature Critics;中国文学批评理论的整合与多元发展

legal development theory in china中国法学发展理论
3)regional development theory with Chinese characteristics中国特色区域发展理论
4)developing strategy of China economy中国经济发展理论
5)the theory of social development in contemparary China当代中国社会发展理论
6)theory of China中国社会发展理论
