1.Study on Seed and Seedling of Five Rare Species of Leguminosae Such as Ormosia Hosiei;红豆树等五种豆科珍稀树种种子及幼苗研究
2.The Present Situation and Utilization Prospect of Protein Forage Shrub of Leguminosae in Yunnan;云南豆科蛋白饲料灌木的研究现状和利用前景
3.Ecological-geographical Characters and Crazing Values of Major Leguminosae Forages in Grassland of Qinghai.;青海省天然草地主要豆科牧草的生态地理特征及饲用价值

1.runner bean(type of climbing bean-plant)红花菜豆(攀缘豆科植物).
2.A dehiscent fruit of a leguminous plant such as the pea.豆科植物的裂果,如豌豆
3.A member of the pea family.豌豆豆科植物的一种
4.Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Leguminosae, which includes peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, and other plants.豆科植物的豆科植物的,属于豆科植物的,具有豆科植物特点的,这种豆科植物包括豌豆、蚕豆、翘
5.the fruit or seed of a leguminous plant such as peas or beans or lentils.豆科植物的果实或种子,如豌豆、菜豆、小扁豆等。
6.The rose and the bean families belong to the same order .蔷薇科和豆科同属一目。
7.A plant of the pea family.豆科植物豆科植物中的任何一种植物
8.of or resembling the legumes.属于或关于豆科植物的。
9.t of legume family bearing pods and seeds结荚和籽粒的豆科植物
10.chapman enskog method查普曼 豆科格方法
11.Nitrogen fixation trees of Leguminosae and non-Leguminosae are important biological nitrogen fixation resources.豆科及非豆科固氮树种是重要的生物固N资源。
12.An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua)in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and large, dark, leathery pods.角豆树地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆长角豆属),有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚
13.Any of several nonleguminous plants, such as owl's clover and water clover.非豆科植物一种非豆科植物,例如玄参科植物及水犀
14.an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae.豆科属中一种直立的或向上生长的豌豆或菜豆植物。
15.A Review of Utilization of Heterosis in Three Legume Crops of Pigeonpea,Alfalfa and Soybean木豆、苜蓿和大豆3种豆科作物杂种优势利用概述
16.Legumes( family Fabaceae) may also be common components of heath floras.一些豆类(义的豆科)可能是石楠区系的常见组分。
17.Preliminary Studies on the Antimicrobial Compounds from Leguminous Species Gleditsia Sinensis Lam. and Sophora Alopecuroides Linn.;豆科植物皂荚和苦豆子抗菌化合物初步研究
18.The Cell Biological Research of Galega L.;豆科山羊豆属牧草的细胞生物学特性研究

1.Studies on Introduction of Legumes in Alpine Region.;高寒地区豆科牧草引种试验
2.Seedcoat Ultrustructures of Legumes in Inner Mongolia Steppe;内蒙古草原地区豆科植物种子种皮微形态学研究
3.Studies on the Salt Tolerance in the Stage of Seed Germination and Seedlings of Four Legumes.;花棒等四种豆科植物种子萌发及苗期耐盐性的研究
1.Resources and Flore Study on the Forage Grass of Fabaceae From Shaanxi;陕西豆科牧草资源及植物区系分析
2.Taxonomic relationship between Desmodium diffusum DC. and D. laxiflorum DC. (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae);弥散山蚂蝗与大叶拿身草(豆科:蝶形花亚科)的分类学关系(英文)
3.belongs to Fabaceae, Galegeae, Glycyrrhizinae, and is distributed in all the continents.)隶属于豆科蝶形花亚科山羊豆族甘草亚族,各大洲均有分布。
1.Environmental factors are always one of the major reasons why the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing system of rhizobia and legumes cannot come into full play in agricultural production.环境因子的限制一直是豆科植物-根瘤菌共生固氮体系没有在农业生产中充分发挥作用的重要原因之一。
1.Effects of mixed planting legume and Eucalyptus on soil available nutrients;桉树与豆科植物混交种植对土壤速效养分的影响
2.Comparison of the Primary Methods to Determine the Ability of Nitrogen Fixation of Legume;豆科植物固氮能力的主要测定方法比较
3.Molecular Basis Between Rhizobia and Legumes;豆科植物结瘤及其结瘤的分子基础
6)leguminous plant豆科植物
1.Investigation of leguminous plants and rhizobial resources in some areas of Gansu Province;甘肃省部分地区豆科植物根瘤菌资源调查
2.The matching relations between two kinds of AM fungus and three kinds of leguminous plants including white clover,alfaifa and acacia was studied based on two special kinds of solid waste(coal gangue and fly ash) in mine area.以煤矿区2种特有的固体废弃物粉煤灰、煤矸石为基质,分别对2种AM菌根真菌与3种豆科植物白三叶草、紫花苜蓿和刺槐之间的匹配关系进行了研究,以宿主植物的生物量、吸磷效率、侵染率和菌根依赖性为标准,初步筛选出G。
3.The investigation on nodulation for leguminous plant was representative in Tarim Basin because a widespread area was investigated within Tarim Basin.2003年至2005年对塔里木盆地36个县(市)进行了豆科植物资源的调查及根瘤菌的采集工作,共采集到豆科植物30属66种,根瘤样品1160份;属内种间豆科植物根瘤的形状、大小、颜色及其在根上的着生位置相似,而属间植物根瘤特性差异明显。
