1.Objective:Effect of Yu Pingfeng Powders towards the upper respiratory tract and the dominant bacteria streptococcus A hemolycic streptococcus B,and Streptococcus pneumonia,E.目的:体外观察玉屏风散水煎剂对上呼吸道优势菌甲型链球菌以及乙型溶血性链球菌、肺炎链球菌、大肠杆菌等几种常见致病菌的影响作用,为开发玉屏风散口含片提供理论依据。
2.Cultural capital is a series of value,faith,perspective,and thinking that can bring value increment,and it has great effect in economic growth.文化资本是能够带来价值增值的一系列价值观、信念、看法和思维方式的总和,它对经济增长具有重要的影响作用

1.Do you usually have any influence on family matters?你是否常常对家庭事务起影响作用
2.detection of interaction effects交互作用影响的检测
3.The leaven of reform was working.改革的影响力在起作用。
4.To be extensive in influence or effect.影响深远作用或影响广泛
5.Thermotolerance of Photosynthesis in Shade-adapted Plants;遮荫对植物光合作用高温响应的影响
6.On the Practical Function and Positive Effect of Cooperation Education;关于合作教育的现实作用和积极影响
7.Acted upon, influenced, or changed.受到影响的产生作用的,受影响的或变化了的
8.In this way, you will exert an influence first of all on the young people and then on the older people.你们起了模范作用,影响就不同了,首先影响青年,其次影响成年。
9.To subject to or undergo hydrolysis.使分解受水解作用的影响或进行水解作用
10.Sedimentation and denudation play a role in exceptional cases.沉积和剥蚀作用的影响只在特殊情况下起作用。
11.change under the action or influence of the weather.在天气影响或作用下变化。
12.touch lightly and with affection, with brushing motions.用往下刷的动作有影响地轻轻接触。
13.used her parents' influence to get the job.利用他父母的影响来得到那份工作。
14.capable of acting on or influencing each other.能够相互影响或相互作用。
15.act together or towards others or with others.二者相互之间产生作用或影响。
16.Pinocytosis of dextran was unaffected.对葡聚糖的胞饮作用无影响。
17.Be lost on sbbfail to influence sb对某人不起作用或无影响
18.They are affected by weathering.他们是受风化作用影响的。

1.It not only greatly influenced the development degree of economy, but also related to the harmony of the whole society.如何科学、精确地度量信息产业对经济的影响作用是重要的和必须的。
3)influential effect影响作用
1.There are different influential effects fortrichogramma which are hatched from tussah egg in their each growth period by 14 kinds of main pesticides which are used by normal concentration.新疆农田14种主要农药田间常用浓度对赤眼蜂柞蚕卵蜂各发育阶段的影响作用存在差异,影响作用基本上依次为有机磷类(乐斯本、久效磷、氧化乐果)>杂环类(锐劲特)>拟除虫菊酯类(功夫、敌杀死)>杀螨剂类(克螨特、哒螨灵)>烟碱类(一遍净、艾美乐)>有机氯类(赛丹)>生物杀虫剂和生物源农药(Bt、棉铃虫NPV、阿维菌素)。
1.On the basis of literature review about the impacts on urban land use of transport system, quantitative methods and special analyze technology like GIS and RS are cautiously adopted besides traditional methods, this paper studies the impacts on urban land use of transport system in Guangzhou, a metropolis of south China, in terms of documents, data and on-the-spot investigation.在评述国内外城市交通系统对土地利用影响作用研究的基础上,以广州为案例,利用有关政府部门资料、统计资料和实地调查资料,引入定量分析和GIS、RS空间分析技术,系统全面地研究了我国高密度开发城市交通系统对土地利用的影响作用
5)"effects and influences"作用影响
6)Effect and impact作用与影响
1.Effect and impact of general hospital in tuberculosis control;医疗机构在结核病控制工作中的作用与影响
