师带徒,The model of "master instructing apprentice"
1)The model of "master instructing apprentice"师带徒
1.The model of "master instructing apprentice"about TCM having been the main model to foster TCM professionals and been attention by our country nowadays.中医传统的师带徒教育模式历史上一直是培养中医人才的主要方式,并在现代社会中受到国家的重视。

1.Innovation of the Training Mode of "Masters and Students";安康供电局“师带徒”培训模式的创新
2.Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of "Master Train Apprentice" in Kindergarten幼儿园“师带徒”存在的问题及其对策研究
3.Master craftsmen are now encouraged to take on promising apprentices.现在鼓励老手工艺师傅带有培养前途的徒弟。
4.A worker qualified to teach apprentices and carry on the craft independently.师傅可带学徒或独立掌管其手艺的工匠
5.Then she waits for the Tang Priest and his devotees to pass by. When they see her they save her. Then the evil mouse spirit asked them to take her with them by telling a fabricated story designed to win their sympathy.待唐僧师徒救起,又编出一套谎言骗得唐僧同情,让带她一同前行。
6.A disscussion about the relationship of students and teachers in architecture education;再议“师傅带徒弟”——当代社会文化语境下的建筑教育策略
7.As they say, 'A great teacher produces outstanding students!'"名师必出高徒! 名师必出高徒
8.Investigation and Exploration on New Teachers' Professional Growth从“师徒带教”到“团队成长”——基于上海市部分新教师专业成长调研的思考
9.The goddess vanquished Red Boy and Brought him to the South Sea. Monkey saved Sanzang and Sanzang and his disciples continued their journey to the West in search of Buddhist scriptures.菩萨降服了红孩儿,把他带回南海。悟空救出唐僧,师徒四人继续往西天取经。
10.Before Industrial Revolution, prentice training is the main quomodo in the society. And that’s proved that industrial design born in practice.师傅带徒弟是工业设计教育的最初方式,这种方式说明了工业设计诞生于实践。
11.The austere figure of a Puritan minister.清教徒牧师严厉的外表
12.A priest or votary of Bacchus.酒神的牧师,酒神的信徒
13.The Tang Priest (San zang) and his three disciples were on their way to the Western Heaven to obtain Buddhist scriptures.唐僧师徒去西天取经。
14.Then the master and three disciples went on their way to the West to find Buddhist scriptures.师徒四人继续西行取经。
15.She apprenticed with the great master.她师从这位著名的大师当学徒。
16.The "Collaboration between Masters and Apprentices" for New Teachers in Middle Schools:Problems and Countermeasures;中学初任教师“师徒结对”之问题及对策
17.Remark on the "the System of Teachers and Students" of First Assuming Teachers Vocation Guidance;且说初任教师入职辅导中的“师徒制”
18.A Case Study of Mentoring and Its Promotion on Novice Teacher's Professional Development“师徒制”与新教师专业发展的个案研究

Mentoring relationship师徒关系
3)interaction between workers and their masters师徒交往
4)interaction between teachers and apprentices师徒互动
5)choosing apprentices and honoring the master择徒拜师
6)the Master and his three appretences师徒四人
