中医方法,traditional Chinese medicine methodology
1)traditional Chinese medicine methodology中医方法
2)TCM methodology中医方法论
1.A new framework for the research of TCM methodology was established based on the relationship of eight pairs of factors in epistemology, viz.运用哲学的范畴思维来概括和提升人们在中医研究中形成的一些共同经验 ,从 8对认识论范畴 ,即主体与客体、直观与实验、局部与整体、唯象模型与实体模型、定性与定量、证实与证伪、经验与理论、哲学与科学关系出发 ,构建中医方法论的一个新的研究框架。

1.Modern Explanation of TCM Wisdom - A Review of Miracle, Problem and Retrospect- a Study of TCM Methodology;中医智慧的现代诠释——《奇迹、问题与反思——中医方法论研究》评介
2.A Discussion of Legal Protection of Doctor s Reputation Rights in Medical Disputes;论医患纠纷中医方名誉权的法律保护
3.Comparative Study of Methodology of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine;中西医方法论比较研究——兼论中医的科学性
4.Research Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Theory of Reproduction Rhythm in TCM Gynecology传统中医研究方法与中医妇科生殖节律理论
5.On Features of Geology,Methods and Targets in Chinese Medicine论中医学的地域、时代、方法与对象特点
6.The Cluster Analysis of Statistical Methods in Medical Dissertations;医学论文中统计方法应用的聚类分析
7.The Reflection of TCM Research Methodology from the Perspective of Phenomenology;现象学视角下中医研究方法论的思考
8.TCM:a theory and method grasping indeterminateness中医学是把握不确定性的理论与方法
9.Formal method of correspondence between man and universe in TCM theoretical modeling中医理论建模的天人相应形式化方法
10.Discussion on the scientif ic research thinking and method from research experience of constitution of TCM从中医体质研究论科研的思路与方法
11.Charaters of Science and Art Coexist in TCM试论中医学的科学性与艺术性——关于中医基础理论研究方法的思考
12.The argument point and method in “Farewell Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbalism” is not advisable;《告别中医中药》一文的立论和方法是不可取的;
13.Japanese Translation of TCM Terms--concurrently talking about processing ways in interpretation;谈中医术语的日译——兼论口译中的处理方法
14.Modern Chinese Medicine Viewed by Marxist Methodology;马克思主义方法论视角下的现代中医中药
15.Reforming Chinese Medicine Rationale in the application of Modern Scientific Experiment应用现代科学实验方法改革《中医基础理论》教学
16.The Influence of 《Blood Syndrome Theory》 on the Treatment and Prescription of Morden Hematonosis Blood Syndrome;《血证论》对当代血液病血证中医治法方药的影响
17.Cultivating traditional Chinese medicine thinking mode is the key to training of acupuncture and moxibustion professionals;论中医传统思维方法是培养针灸人才的根本
18.Methodological Significance of Arranging the Materials in the Process of Medical Research and Paper Writing医学研究与论文写作中整理素材的方法学意义

TCM methodology中医方法论
1.A new framework for the research of TCM methodology was established based on the relationship of eight pairs of factors in epistemology, viz.运用哲学的范畴思维来概括和提升人们在中医研究中形成的一些共同经验 ,从 8对认识论范畴 ,即主体与客体、直观与实验、局部与整体、唯象模型与实体模型、定性与定量、证实与证伪、经验与理论、哲学与科学关系出发 ,构建中医方法论的一个新的研究框架。
3)theoretical study中医学方法
4)system methodology of Chinese Medicine中医系统方法论
5)combination of Chinese and Western medicine中西医结合方法
6)the scientific methods of TCM中医的科学方法

中医中医  ①中医学的简称。②本学科专业职业队伍。