陈实功,Chen Shigong
1)Chen Shigong陈实功
1.The Necleus in Orthodox School of Surgical Field--Chen Shigong;外科正宗派的中坚人物陈实功
2)declarative function陈述功能
1.This paper, based on the comparison of the declarative function of English and Chinese, discusses the methods of translation of them in a cognitive-functional perspective.本文在比较英汉语言陈述功能的基础上 ,从认知 -功能视角探讨了陈述功能句翻译的相关问题。
3)Chen Yinggong陈应功
1.The Position&Contribution of Chen Yinggong in the Development of China s Salt Industry;陈应功在中国盐业史上的地位和贡献

1.The Position&Contribution of Chen Yinggong in the Development of China s Salt Industry;陈应功在中国盐业史上的地位和贡献
2.Ultrasound evaluation of left atrial function in patients with old myocardial infarction using strain rate imaging应变率成像技术评价陈旧性心肌梗死患者左心房收缩功能
3.Application of orange peels and gingers porridge in promotion of gastrointestinal functional recovery for parturient after undergoing cesarean section陈皮生姜粥在促进剖宫产产妇胃肠道功能恢复中的应用
4.On Referential and Asserting Properties of Verbal Element;动词的“指称”功能和“陈述”功能
5.Assessment of Global Left Ventricular Function by 64-slice Spiral CT in Patients with Old Myocardial Infarction64层螺旋CT在陈旧性心肌梗死患者左心室整体功能评价中的应用价值
6.He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work.他向学生们力陈用功的重要。
7.In People s Historical Contribution and Wrong Appraisal and Analysis of Revolutionary Period about Chen Duxiu;国民革命时期陈独秀历史功过再评说
8.On the Nature and Pragmatic Functions of Understatement;论低调陈述的语言特点及其语用功能
9.On Chen Liang s Essential Features of Utilitarian Ethics;论陈亮事功主义伦理思想的基本特征
10.The Metabolism and functional roles of glycosphingolipids鞘糖脂的新陈代谢与生理学功能(英文)
11.The Thought of Chen Liang and His Arguments with Zhu Xi on "Wang Ba Yi Li;浙东事功派代表人物陈亮的思想与朱陈“王霸义利之辨”
12.Research on the Effects of Chenshi Taichichuan Gongfa s on Lung and Immunity Function of Middle-aged and Aged People;陈式太极拳功法对中老年人肺功能及免疫功能影响的研究
13.Every federal agency must publish general statements of how the agency functions.每个联邦机构必须公布机构功能的总体陈述.
14.Selective Breeding of Function Strains and Analysis of Component of Shanxi Overmature Vinegar;山西老陈醋酿酒功能菌选育与有效成分分析
15.Selective Breeding of Fuction Strains of Shanxi Overmature Vinegar and Optimization of Production Technology;山西老陈醋功能菌选育与生产工艺优化
16.Exhibition,Maintenance and Repair of Revolutionary Painting and Its Social Responsibilities;从红色油画的社会功用论其陈列、维护与修复
17.PEOPLE’S HERO AND HIS HEROIC TRUE QUALITIES Deeply Cherish the Memory of Comrade Chen Xilian;人民功臣 英雄本色——深切怀念陈锡联同志
18.Genre Analysis of Personal Statements from Systemic-functional Approach从系统功能角度对个人陈述的体裁分析

declarative function陈述功能
1.This paper, based on the comparison of the declarative function of English and Chinese, discusses the methods of translation of them in a cognitive-functional perspective.本文在比较英汉语言陈述功能的基础上 ,从认知 -功能视角探讨了陈述功能句翻译的相关问题。
3)Chen Yinggong陈应功
1.The Position&Contribution of Chen Yinggong in the Development of China s Salt Industry;陈应功在中国盐业史上的地位和贡献
5)Chen Zhongshi陈忠实
1.From a rebel to a convert——on Chen Zhongshi s Confucianism from his novels Mr.Lanpao and Bailuyuan;从叛逆到皈依——由《蓝袍先生》和《白鹿原》看陈忠实与儒家文化
2.Talk about Chen Zhongshi’s Attitude towards Traditional Culture in the Bai LuYuan;论陈忠实在《白鹿原》中对传统文化的态度
6)CHEN Zhong-shi陈忠实
1.CHEN Zhong-shi and the Local Behavior Culture of Shaanxi Province;陈忠实小说与秦地民俗文化
2.Literary Criticisms on Bai Lu Yuan in Different literary Critical Theories——A Summary of the last Ten Years Studies on CHEN Zhong-shi s Bai Lu Yuan;多重批评理论视野下的《白鹿原》文本解读——陈忠实小说《白鹿原》十年研究综述
3.Splendid River and Life——On the Poem of Qing Yu An·Zi Shui Written by CHEN Zhong-shi古水人生两辉煌——读陈忠实先生《青玉案·滋水》
