龚居中,Gong Juzhong
1)Gong Juzhong龚居中
1.This treatise was written by Gong Juzhong,a famous doctor in the Ming dynasty,and it was an early book about the massage for children.该书为明代著名医学家龚居中所著 ,是儿科按摩推拿学方面的早期著作。
2)at middle居中
1.The authors dissected the ants main way at middle and through dam in the Lianshan reservoir of Guangxi Liucheng county, expounded a group characteristic value and important parameters reflecting the ants way features.解剖了广西柳城县连山水库两巢堤坝白蚁的穿坝居中主蚁道 ,提出了一组反映此种蚁道特点的特征值 ,以及有助蚁害抢险和灌浆的重要参数。

1.Center &in window窗口内居中(&I)
2.not centered or having no center.不居中或者没有中心。
3.The Middling keeps aloof.居中的却远而避之。
4.Home Ownership Centre居者有其屋中心〔居屋中心〕
5.A prehistoric or primitive human living in caves.穴居人史前或原始的居于洞中的人类
6.One who lives in the wilderness.丛林居民居住在丛林中的人
7.A chiefly Spanish - speaking community or neighborhood in a U.S.city.美国城市中讲西班牙语居民的集居区
8.Brief talk on housing ideal reflected by Chinese traditional residence浅谈中国传统民居反映出的居住理想
9.One that inhabits a forest.林中居民,林中禽兽居住在林中的人或动物
10.cash held outside the banking system现金滞留(居民手中)
11.An unlivable apartment.没法在其中居住的公寓
12.chenopod establishment in saline soil藜科植物在盐中定居
13.a desert-dwelling wildcat.居住在沙漠中的野猫。
14.she moves in certain circles only.她仅在某一圆周中居
15.The neuter caste in social insects.群居昆虫中的无性昆虫
16.UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)联合国人类居住中心
17.The immigrants settled in the Midwest.移民在中西部定居下来。
18.position 11 in a countable series of things.在可数的事物中位居。

at middle居中
1.The authors dissected the ants main way at middle and through dam in the Lianshan reservoir of Guangxi Liucheng county, expounded a group characteristic value and important parameters reflecting the ants way features.解剖了广西柳城县连山水库两巢堤坝白蚁的穿坝居中主蚁道 ,提出了一组反映此种蚁道特点的特征值 ,以及有助蚁害抢险和灌浆的重要参数。
3)Gong Peng龚澎
1.On Gong Peng s Personal Charms-Personification of the Unity of Beauty and A Revolutionary;龚澎的人格魅力——美与革命完美结合的典型
2.Gong Peng s Striving and Life in the Sub-Capital Chongqing;龚澎在陪都重庆的战斗与生活
5)Gong Xian龚贤
1.A Discussion on the Style and the Art Theory of Gong Xian s Artwork;浅谈龚贤笔墨风格与画论
2.Transformation of Gong Xian s Painting Style in the Transition;试论龚贤画风转变时的笔墨走向
3.Comparison between Gong Xian's and Claude Monet's Landscape Picture龚贤山水画与莫奈风景画之比较
6)Light Gong白龚
1.The painting techniques of trees in Gongxian’s landscape paintings have developed through three stages: “Light Gong”, “Grey Gong”, and “Dark Gong”.龚贤山水画中树的演变分“白龚”、“灰龚”、“黑龚”三个时期。

龚云甫(1862~1932)  京剧演员,工老旦。名瑗,又名世祥。满族,北京人。早年学玉器手艺,1885至1886年间入南宫园华兰习韵票房学老生,后入小鸿奎班客串演出。1892年拜孙菊仙为师,改搭四喜班,又从熊连喜学老旦,此后成为专工老旦的职业演员。曾被选入清昇平署外学。他的嗓音清脆而苍劲,善用"脑后音",演唱技艺精湛,在老旦唱腔中揉合了青衣腔,刚柔相济,缠绵蕴藉。身段表情细腻传神,能以老旦戏唱大轴,对后世影响很大。代表剧目有《钓金龟》、《行路训子》、《徐母骂曹》等。宗其艺者有文亮臣、卧云居士等。李多奎得其传授。