校注,collation and annotation
1)collation and annotation校注
1.The Collation and Annotation of the Anthology of Fenqing Study of Zhou Bichao;周必超《分青山房诗集》校注

1.Research on Jiang Liangfu's Note Method from "Qu Yuan fu School Note"从《屈原赋校注》看姜亮夫的校注方法
2.matriculate at an institution of higher learning在某高等学校注册入学
3.The Preface of the Annotation of HAN Chang-li′s Album;关于韩愈文的认识与评价——阎琦校注《韩昌黎文集校注》序
4.Documents Available to Reserch,Treasure Splendid Again--Documents value and Annotation Achievements of《New Local Records of Suzhou in the Period of Guangxu Emperor》文献可征 瑰宝重光——《肃州新志校注》的文献价值和校注成就
5.The school has an enrollment of 2000 pupils.学校有2000人注册。
6.register of members of board of governors校董会成员注册记录册
7.school enrol(l)ment入学注册, 在校学生数
8.Please note my academic achievements and campus involvement.请注意我在校的学习成绩和校园活动。
9.Note: Student enrollment in regular institutions of higher education includes postgraduates.注:高等学校在校学生含研究生。
10.This school is registered under Ontario legislation as a non-profit organization.本校是一所安省注册的非谋利学校。
11.Pay Close Attention to the Campus “psychological disadvantaged groups ";关注高校校园内的“心理弱势群体”
12.On blindspot in school management--management of school culture;关注学校管理的盲区——学校文化的管理
13.Two Kinds of Collating Note in the Collating Notes on the Thirteen Classics;《十三经注疏校勘记》中的两类校勘记
14.On Excerpts of Han Shu in Three Annotations of Shi Ji点校本《史记》三家注称引《汉书》考校
15.The Song of Justice and Qian Zhongshu s Annotated Selection of Song Poetry;《正气歌》所本与《宋诗选注》“钱氏手校增注本”
16.The Significance and Problems of Compiling the Development History of Non-governmental higher Vocational Colleges;民办高职院校校史编写的意义及应注意的问题
17.Several Issues Deserving Attention in Building a Harmonious Campus;高校和谐校园建设需要关注的几个问题
18.Attaching Importance to the Constructing of Campus Culture for Practical Personals in Universities;要注重营造培养应用型人才的高校校园文化

1.In the article,the author gives his opinion about Ma Xingrong and Zhu Zhenyu s annotations to some phrases in the annotated edition of Shangu Ci by.本文对马兴荣、祝振玉两先生校注的《山谷词》一书中有关词语的注释,提出了商榷意见。
1.,this paper lists some interpretation mistakes and do collation and annotation.吕薇芬、杨镰合著的《张可久集校注》,在注释上存在误注、漏注等疏失,从而影响了对张氏作品的深入解读甚或误读。
4)check and annotation校注
1.This article will point out what is added and what is deleted, in the four books and then to highlight Yang s contribution to the science of bibliography in the aspects of versions, check and annotation, materials, etc, thus to make clear his importance in the history of WSDL s study.杨明照《文心雕龙》校注四书——《文心雕龙校注》、《文心雕龙校注拾遗》、《增订文心雕龙校注》、《文心雕龙校注拾遗补正》,凝聚了他的毕生心血,代表了当代大陆学人研治《文心雕龙》的最高水准,在海内外产生了巨大的影响。
5)emendation and annotation校注
1.Regarding the ancient actors lines of Ming Dynasty included in 1st and 2nd volumes of Quanzhou Traditional Opera Series published recently, the author inquires into principle and method of emendation and annotation of ancient actors lines in dialect.本文就最近正式出版的《泉州传统戏曲丛书》第一、二卷中所收入的明刊古戏文 ,对方言古戏文的校注原则与方法加以探讨 ,并举例说明了“存真、辨形、循音、觅证”等四种方法在校注中的重要作
6)collations and notes校勘注释
