透邪,stagnation of hot-evil
1)stagnation of hot-evil透邪
1.Treatment of explling evil has been one of the most important and effective way in treating the stagnation of hot-evil syndrome in warm diseases.透邪法一直是温病治法中治疗郁热阻滞证的重要而有效的治疗方法之一。

1.Applying TCM Principle for Expelling Pathogenic Factors in the Treatment of Infectious Pneumonia;“透邪”在感染性肺炎治疗中运用的研究
2.It was crucial to relieve the pathogenic factors by opening the muscular interstices induced by herbs acrid in taste at the early phase of fever induced by exogenous pathogenic factors岭南外感热病初起贵在“透邪”的体会
3.Be on Guard Against the Soak of Incorrect Religion and Its Culture into the Communist Party--The Soil for Incorrect Religion Growing in China Must be Eradicated;警惕邪教和邪教文化向共产党内的渗透——必须铲除邪教在中国滋生的土壤
4.She would have to remember that no patient is entirely vicious or unreasonable.她必须记住,没有一个病人是邪恶透顶,或者不可理喻的。
5.Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother?她的珍珠和发型能够帮助她忍受一位邪恶透顶的兄弟吗?
6.In his whiskied blood there was not a black drop.他那浸透威士忌酒的血管里没有一滴邪恶的血液。
7.How should this innocent girl see the coldness and calculation of the letter?这封信的冷淡无情,教这个无邪的姑娘怎么猜得透?
8.doing or causing evil.做邪恶的事或引起邪恶。
9.Baseness of mind or character.邪恶思想或性格的邪恶
10.Summer heat is a yang pathogen, so is wind, and so is fire-heat.(1)暑为阳邪,风也为阳邪,火也为阳邪。
11.dishonest practices | immoral or illegal doings邪魔(门)外(歪)道
12.a sinister face [plot]邪恶的面孔 [奸计]
13.Black Matrix Zero正邪幻想曲Zero
14.demoniac tortures, plans酷刑、 邪恶的计划.
15.To free from evil spirits or malign influences.驱邪摆脱邪恶的灵魂或不好的影响
16.Evil by nature and in practice.邪恶的,缺德的本性和实际邪恶的
17.the quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior.由邪恶的行为而显露的邪恶的品质。
18.The act, practice, or ceremony of exorcising.驱邪祛邪的行为、做法或仪式

expelling the pathogens透邪外达
3)Relieving the Depressed Liver and Removing Pathogeneses疏肝透邪
1.Treating Chronic Hepatitis B by Relieving the Depressed Liver and Removing Pathogeneses;疏肝透邪法治疗慢性乙型肝炎
4)evil factors邪
1.Relationship between dampness and athralgia-syndrome in synopsis of the golden chamber;《金匮要略》湿邪致痹理论辨析
2.Etiological factor and pathogenesis of gynecopathia caused by dampness;湿邪所致妇科病病因病机浅谈
3.Dampness and the Relationship between the Dampness and the Genecological Diseases;浅谈湿邪及其与妇科疾病的关系
1.Implication and transmission of "toxin";“毒邪”的内涵及其致病特点
2.Analysis on Aetiology of Toxin in Hepatic Failure;肝衰竭毒邪病因学说辨析
3.Reseach on Formation of "Toxin" Causing Epidemic Febrile Disease温病“毒邪”形成之探析

透邪透邪 透邪   治疗学术语。亦称达邪透表。即透达表邪的治法。外感表证,须透邪外出,故称。