周守忠,Zhou Shouzhong
1)Zhou Shouzhong周守忠
1.Zhou Shouzhong of southern Song Dynasties had compiled the well-known book, a series and related documents about the doctors before southern Song Dynasty.南宋周守忠所编《历代名医蒙求》一书,实采辑南宋以前相关医家文献资料而成。
2)attentiveness to duties尽忠职守

1.special favor should be shown to the old man who is faithful to duty.这位老人尽忠职守应当特别加以奖励。
2.Be a good person: serve others and persuade them to do good. Be a good citizen: respect the law and be loyal.人人做善人,服务奉献,劝人为善;人人做良民,奉公守法,尽忠职守
3.Simply by doing my job responsibly, I shall perhaps make everyone understand that women running the Government's business is business as usual.只要尽忠职守,我或能使每人都明了女人从政无足为奇。
4.Article 47 The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must be a person of integrity, dedicated to his or her duties.第四十七条 香港特别行政区行政长官必须廉洁奉公、尽忠职守
5.Public servants must be dedicated to their duties and be responsible to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.公务人员必须尽忠职守,对香港特别行政区政府负责。
6.In all things at Ford, we place the highest value on loyalty and truthfulness.在福特公司的各项工作中,我们最重视尽忠职守、以诚相待。
7.The community expects nothing less than full dedication and professionalism from its public servants.市民要求的,是一支尽忠职守、高度专业的公务员队伍。
8.Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.忠诚,忠实忠于职守、义务或责任
9.But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job,但是,如果企业中谁也不可信赖会对工作尽忠守职,
10.They told of his devotion to duty.他们谈到了他忠于职守。
11.The actors and actresses are faithful in the performance of their duties .男女演员都忠于职守。
12.religious devotion to duty.极度忠于职守的精神
13.The third factor is loyalty.第三是忠于职守的精神。
14.Act well your part;it's there the honour lies.善尽职守,荣耀就在其中。
15.That loyalty is hard to replace.这种忠于职守的精神是难以取代的。
16.cost, time and loyalty.费用,时间和忠于职守的精神。
17.The loyalty factor was an important one.忠于职守的精神对公司来说很重要。
18.We can't put press tag on loyalty.但金钱难买忠于职守的精神。

attentiveness to duties尽忠职守
3)faithful in the performance of his duties忠于职守.
4)the conscientious discharge of one's duties尽忠职守.
5)be recreant to one's task不忠于职守
6)He is faithful in the performance of his duties.他忠于职守。
