《历代名医蒙求》,famous doctor compilations in past dynasties
1)famous doctor compilations in past dynasties《历代名医蒙求》
2)famous painfing throuqh the ages历代名画

1.Research on Lidai Minghua Ji and Other Painting Theory of Tang Dynasty《历代名画记》及唐代绘画理论研究
2.An Inquiry about Zhang Yanyuan s Artistic Philosophy in Notes on Famous Paintings of the Past Dynasties;张彦远《历代名画记》艺术思想探源
3.Painting Historical System and Historical Theory in Zhang Yanyuan’s Notes of Past Famous Paintings (Li Dai Ming Hua Ji)张彦远《历代名画记》的画史体系与史学理论
4.The Original Creation of the Stylistic Rules and Layout of Zhang Yanyuan s Famous Paintings in Past Dynasties;从另一个角度去看——张彦远《历代名画记》之体例的独创性
5.His family has collected many famous paintings through the ages.他家收藏了许多历代的名人字画。
6.From the Tang Dynasty on down, baths have been built on the Yellow Mountain and many famous writers and painters have used the Yellow Mountain Hotspring as their theme with the result that its fame has spread far and wide.自唐代以来,黄山就建有温泉浴室,历代诗画名家、文人墨客,多有题咏,使黄山温泉名声愈振。
7.a storied wall of the Liao Dynasty辽代的历史故事画墙
8.Several Problems on Famous Paintings Criticism and Famous Paintings Supplement关于《圣朝名画评》暨《五代名画补遗》的几个问题
9.a famous actor; a celebrated musician; a famed scientist; an illustrious judge; a notable historian; a renowned painter.著名演员;著名音乐家;著名科学家;杰出法官;著名历史学家;著名画家。
10.Illustrated Biographies of World Historic Celebrities: Thomas Alva Edison世界历史名人画传-爱迪生
11.Illustrated Biographies of World Historic世界历史名人画传:贝多芬
12.Illustrated Biographies of World Historic Celebrities: Da Vinci世界历史名人画传:达·芬奇
13.The new painting form developed to a more mature stage in the Tang Dynasty, and several famous landscape painters appeared.唐代山水画达到成熟,出现了许多有名的画家。
14.His father, from whom he learned painting in his childhood, was also a painter.父亲是个小有名气的画家。他少年时代,随父学画,
15.the art reached a development peak in the Ming Dynasty.版画在明代万历年间达到了高峰。
16.Historical Evolution of " Vivid Touch" of Ancient China Figure Painting中国古代人物画“传神”说的历史演进
17.Humble Discussion of the Relationship between Six Methods and all the Generations of Drawing Theories;浅谈“六法”与历代画论之间的关系
18.The issue caused by painting in the poem in the history and its substances;历代“诗中有画”所引起的争论及其实质

famous painfing throuqh the ages历代名画
3)celebrities of all the previous dynasties历代名人
1.The article counts and analyzes Anhui celebrities of all the previous dynasties from the aspects of quantity,category and birthplace.从人才数量、类型和籍贯3个方面对安徽历代名人的资料进行统计与分析,在此基础上,探讨了历代安徽名人地理分布的重心与区域分异的原因。
4)physicians of past generations历代医家
5)past dynasties'medical cases历代医案
6)Doctors of different periods from ancient time to morden time历代中医
