集思医案,Ji Si Medical notes
1)Ji Si Medical notes集思医案
2)emergency and intractable diseases得心集医案
1.The characteristics of XIE Xing-huan differentiating and treating emergency and intractable diseases in his work of Dexin collection of medical case records were analyzed in the thesis.总结分析了清代医家谢星焕《得心集医案》辨治急难证的特点:在辨证方面注重天人合一,善于辨别真假错杂之证,尤长于以脉诊决疑释难,妇科难证多求诸奇经八脉;在治疗方面法度严谨,善于化裁古方,急救方法多变,涌吐、针灸、鼻饲、敷脐等多有采用。
3)medical case医案
1.A lot of data , especially the data of medical case, were collected since the Chinese medicine was formed thousands years ago.中医药经历数千年的发展,已积累了大量数据,特别是从古到今的医案数据,但这些数据因没有用现代信息手段整理、分析,而不能为中医药的科学研究提供支持。
2.Moreover,four medical cases are listed.林钟香教授从肝论治心律失常的经验
3.Methods The Collection and Study of Liu Bao-shang s clinical materials according to his medical cases and remarks and commemorative volume of the famous doctor Liu Bao-shang,written by Xu Ying-zhang;Result Liu Bao-shang is proficient in traditional chinese medicine as well as literature,distinguish pathogenesis in Diagnosis and Treatment,paying attention to Triple Warmer,.目的总结福建名老中医刘保尚的生平、学术见解、临床经验;方法根据刘保尚医案医话及许英章先生主编的《名医刘保尚纪念集》等材料,对刘氏临床资料加以整理研究;结果刘保尚医文两通,临证明辨病机,注重三焦,化裁古方,屡起沉疴;结论刘保尚底蕴深厚,经验丰富,不愧为后人之师。

1.Research on the Pulse Conditions of the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties in "Cases of Well-known Physicians" and "Continued Cases of Well-known Physicians"《名医类案》《续名医类案》宋金元时期医案的脉学研究
2.Application of Case-based Reasoning in the TCM Case Record Distribution System案例推理技术在中医医案分布式系统的应用
3.A Research of Data Diming in the Chronic Renal Failure Records of Contemporary Famous Physicians of TCM;当代名中医慢性肾衰医案的挖掘研究
4.Structuring Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Records Based on the Meta-Bootstrapping Algorithm基于Meta-Bootstrapping的中医医案结构化研究
5.Research of Tongue Diagnosis and Pulse-taking Diagnosis Based on the Database of Modern Well-known Doctors' Cases of China;基于当代名医医案数据库的舌脉诊研究
6.The Research on DataMining in Disease Records of Several Diseases of Gynecology in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医妇科常见病医案数据挖掘方法研究
7.From 156 Cases to See the Characteristic of Stroke s Diagnosis and Therapy about Ming and Qing Dynasty;从156例医案看明清医家诊治中风病的特点
8.A Research on the Diagnosis and Treatment Characteristic of Shen Diagnosis and Treatment Based on the Database of Chinese Medical Records基于医案数据库的中医肾病诊治规律研究
9.adopt a resolution for building a hospital采纳兴建医院的决议案
10.Forensic pathological study on maternal death cases involved in medical dissension;孕产妇死亡医疗纠纷案法医病理研究
11.Case Analysis of Medical Equipment Management in USA Large-scale Hospitals美国大型医院医疗设备管理案例分析
12.Characteristics analysis of medical disputes in secondary hospitals and tertiary hospitals二级医院和三级医院医疗纠纷案件特点分析
13.Many crimes could not be solved without using fore ic medicine.没有法医学,很多犯罪案件无法结案。
14.Seen From a Medical Dispute Case Files of Medical Records Management;从医疗纠纷案例中看病历档案的管理
15.How to Enrich the Hospital s Borderline Archives--A Case of Archival Work from People s Hospital of Lishui;怎样充实丰富医院边缘档案——以丽水市人民医院档案工作为例
17.The application of medical record in the dispute to teach of medical students with doctor-patient communication纠纷病案在医学生医患沟通带教中的应用

emergency and intractable diseases得心集医案
1.The characteristics of XIE Xing-huan differentiating and treating emergency and intractable diseases in his work of Dexin collection of medical case records were analyzed in the thesis.总结分析了清代医家谢星焕《得心集医案》辨治急难证的特点:在辨证方面注重天人合一,善于辨别真假错杂之证,尤长于以脉诊决疑释难,妇科难证多求诸奇经八脉;在治疗方面法度严谨,善于化裁古方,急救方法多变,涌吐、针灸、鼻饲、敷脐等多有采用。
3)medical case医案
1.A lot of data , especially the data of medical case, were collected since the Chinese medicine was formed thousands years ago.中医药经历数千年的发展,已积累了大量数据,特别是从古到今的医案数据,但这些数据因没有用现代信息手段整理、分析,而不能为中医药的科学研究提供支持。
2.Moreover,four medical cases are listed.林钟香教授从肝论治心律失常的经验
3.Methods The Collection and Study of Liu Bao-shang s clinical materials according to his medical cases and remarks and commemorative volume of the famous doctor Liu Bao-shang,written by Xu Ying-zhang;Result Liu Bao-shang is proficient in traditional chinese medicine as well as literature,distinguish pathogenesis in Diagnosis and Treatment,paying attention to Triple Warmer,.目的总结福建名老中医刘保尚的生平、学术见解、临床经验;方法根据刘保尚医案医话及许英章先生主编的《名医刘保尚纪念集》等材料,对刘氏临床资料加以整理研究;结果刘保尚医文两通,临证明辨病机,注重三焦,化裁古方,屡起沉疴;结论刘保尚底蕴深厚,经验丰富,不愧为后人之师。
4)Medical records医案
1.Medical records are precious experiences left by famous physician.历代名医医案为我们留下了许多宝贵的临床经验,医案既是医生临证经验的记录,又是医生学术思想和人文素养的形象体现。
2.Objective:Analyzed the edema medical records of 16 contemporary famous physicians of TCM with Data mining(DM)technique to learn and inherit their experiences and knowledge on edema disease.目的:利用数据挖掘技术对16位现代名老中医水肿医案进行挖掘分析,了解和继承现代名老中医对水肿病的认识和经验,并首次尝试将数据挖掘技术应用在名老中医学术经验的整理和继承方面,为后继研究提供一种新方法的尝试。
3.This article not only introduces the development trend of intelligent agnet and elaborates the wide prospects between intelligent informatin search of TCM and exchange experience,but also chooses medical records as a point of penetration in order to combine computer technology and artificial intelligence technology.对人工智能领域中的Agent技术、发展趋势和运用在中医信息智能检索和交流方面的广阔前景进行阐述;并尝试以能体现医者学术思想和辨证论治特色的医案为切入点,结合计算机技术和智能技术,构建智能化的中医诊疗平台。
5)Case Records医案
1.Study on knowledge discovery in traditional Chinese medical case records;中医医案中的知识发现研究
6)medical record医案
1.This paper introduced and discussed five medical records from PuJi BenShi Fang by Xu Shuwei, including exogenous febrile diarrhea, fright and insomnia, qi stroke and bladder qi obstruction, etc.选录《普济本事方》中伤寒下利、伤神劳复、惊悸无寐、气中病与膀胱气闭等5则医案加以阐微,体现了许氏辨证细致、选药精当、治法独特,“必先涤所蓄之邪,然后补之”的学术思想。
2.The writing takes three medical records as evidence,discussing prof.以 3则医案为例 ,论述了李德新教授治疗皮肤、乳房疾病的学术思想。
3.The article analyzes the Medication characteristic to the arthromyodynia in medical record ZHANG Ci-gong.深入分析了《章次公医案》治痹证用药特色,总结出其辨证首分虚实,善用虫药,法随证变的治疗特色,并对重用西河柳、附子的经验进行了总结,从药理学角度分析虫类药、西河柳、附子的镇痛作用机理,为现代临床医家治疗本病辨证用药提供借鉴依据。

得心集医案得心集医案 医案著作。6卷。清谢映庐(星焕)著。刊于咸丰十一年(1861年)。此书内容丰富,涉猎广泛,凡21门。卷1~4以外感、内伤杂证为主,载伤寒、中风、头痛、虚寒诸证,计138案。卷5为妇人专篇,专述产后证候,介绍产后便闭、腹痛、发狂等12种病证,计26案。卷6前为幼儿痉厥,后为霍乱、消渴等杂证,载案42例。书末附有与门人问答、述治、书信15篇,及其子甘澍(杏园)所作《一得集》。谢氏学识渊博,临证经验丰富,能博采众长,此医案仿《寓意草》体例,先议病、后遣药,对伤寒、痿证、痰饮、淋浊、产后的认识颇具独到之处,阐发医理,淋漓尽致。此书存有清代浒湾延寿堂、佛山镇天宝堂等刻本及《珍本医书集成》本等。1962年上海科学技术出版社易为《谢映庐医案》出版。