选按,Selective commentary
1)Selective commentary选按
1.Selective commentary of YI Ju-sun's JiSi Medical Notes易巨荪《集思医案》选按

1.Label for the first button in the radio button group.单选按钮组中第一个按钮的标签。
2.Label for the second button in the radio button group.单选按钮组中第二个按钮的标签。
3.Label for the third button in the radio button group.单选按钮组中第三个按钮的标签。
4.Label for the fourth button in the radio button group.单选按钮组中第四个按钮的标签。
5.Identifies which button is checked by default in the radio button group.标识默认情况下单选按钮组中被选中的按钮。
6.text changes based on radio button selection文字将根据所选的单选按钮而更改
7.You must select whether you want to be reminded yearly, monthly, or weekly.您必须选择是想按年、按月还是按周得到提醒。
8.Press the "Reset" button and select compatible roles.按下“重置”按钮,然后选择兼容的角色。
9.Press the select button so that the colon (:) flashes按下选择按钮,使冒号(:)闪烁
10.Check the tasks you wish to insert and press the Insert button:请选择要插入的任务,然后按“插入”按钮:
11.Wrestlers are divided according to their weight.摔跤选手按体重分级。
12.preferential elimination system of voting按选择次序淘汰投票制
13.preferential voting method按选择次序投票方法
14.preferential elimination system of counting按选择次序淘汰点票制
15.POD (print on demand)按需打印,按需出版,[港]自选印刷服务,自选打印
16.When selecting an object, the selection should always take place on mouse-down.选择对象总发生在按键按下时,因为按键按下是拖动序列的第1步。
17.Use the Select button to select items for downloading.请使用"选择"按钮选择要下载的消息项。
18.Choose at least one option and click OK.请至少选择一个选项并单击“确定”按钮。

on time point selection按时选穴
3)ordinal selection按序选取
4)Acquisition and selection by grades按级采选
5)strict order picking按单拣选
1.Combined Strict Order Picking and Batch Picking, this heuristic algorithm presented can shorten the touring distance of new orders in order-picking zone, bri.配送中心将订单指派给拣选人员或设备的拣选作业方式分为:按单拣选和批量拣选。
1.The function and standard form of RadioButton is introduced that in this paper.介绍了单选按钮的功能和标准形式,分析了标准的单选按钮存在的不足之处,给出了一种用图片框来实现的单选按钮的一种方法和实例,该方法已经在工程设计CAD软件的开发中得到应用。

局部选穴法局部选穴法 局部选穴法   针灸选穴法之一。指在病变局部选取穴位治疗的方法。是《内经》中“以痛为输”、“随而调之”等选穴原则的运用。如额痛取印堂、攒竹等穴,胃痛取中脘、梁门等穴,膝痛取膝眼穴等。适用于体表各部的局部病变,对内脏和深部疾患亦有一定的疗效。