敦煌医药卷子,Dunhuang Medial Paper
1)Dunhuang Medial Paper敦煌医药卷子
1.The Transcription and Dialects in Dunhuang Medial Paper敦煌医药卷子中的记音与俗音

1.Supplements to Textual Research of Dunhuang Medical Volume(P. 3930);敦煌医药卷子P.3930校读补遗
2.A Textual Study of Dunhuang Medical Handbook S.1467;敦煌医药卷子S.1467文献校证
3.Study on Wenwang in the S.6171 of Dunhuang Documents;敦煌卷子S.6171中“文王”考
4.Homogeny of Medical Recipes From Longmen Grottoes and Bei ji dan yan yaofang juan in Dunhuang Scrolls洛阳龙门石窟药方与敦煌卷子《备急单验药方卷》同源
5.Probe into the Original Story of One Poem in "Birth into Palace" in Dunhuang Scroll No.S.6171;敦煌卷子S.6171“降诞宫中”一首本事考
6.Handwriting of Ouyang Xun?;欧阳询真迹考─—敦煌卷子伯五O四三号试探
7.Brilliant and Verify:Study on A Piece of Dunhuang Manuscript WEN-MING-PAN-JI-CAN-JUAN;辉煌与印证:敦煌《文明判集残卷》研究
8.the checking and annotation about the 85th volume s words of Dazheng buddhist scriptures(Dunhuang volume);《大正藏》第八十五卷(敦煌卷)词语校释
9.The Primary Analysis of the Erroneous Words About the 85th Volume Sentences of Dazheng Buddhist Scriptures (Dunhuang Volume);《大正藏》第八十五卷(敦煌卷)误例浅析
10.Property of Dunhuang Can Juan and Its Historic Value in Research into the Native Place of Sun Tzu敦煌残卷(北图位字79号)的性质及在孙子故里考证中的史料价值
11.Study of Buddha s Name Preached by Buddha Sutra (Twenty Volumes) Belonging to Dunhuang Manuscript;敦煌遗书《佛说佛名经》(二十卷本)研究
12.A Textual Research on FangGuangBanRuoJingYinYi in Dunhuang Manuscripts;俄藏敦煌写卷《放光般若经》音义考斠
13.An Explanation on the Volume P.T.1095 of Dunhuang Tibetan Documents;敦煌吐蕃文书P.T.1095号写卷解读
14.The Dunhuang version of The Spring and Autumn Annals in Britain;英藏敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》述论
15.A Study of Two Incomplete Dunhuang Books on Divination;敦煌相书残卷S.3395、S.9987B1V考论
16.The Preface to The Catalogue of Chinese Manuscripts From Dunhuang In Pelliot Collections Ⅴ;《伯希和敦煌汉文文书目录》第5卷《序言》
17.A Preliminary Study on The Reason of Some Unknown Fragments in The Dunhuang Manuscripts Treasured in Gansu Province;《甘肃藏敦煌文献》残卷未识原因初探
18.Correction of the Supplement to Examination of and Hermeneutics to the Remanent Volume of Chorography of Dunhuang Grottoes (1);《敦煌石室地志残卷考释》匡补(一)

Dunhuang medical scroll敦煌医卷
3)work reserved in DunHuang敦煌卷子
4)Dunhuang Complete Works of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology敦煌中医药全书
1.Fair Copy of Dunhuang Medical Literature written by Ma Jixing and others and Dunhuang Complete Works of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology written by CONG Yi-chun and other have made great contributions to the textual research of Dunhuang Medical Volume,though it is still not perfect.马继兴等先生的《敦煌医药文献辑校》以及丛春雨等先生的《敦煌中医药全书》对敦煌医药卷子的整理校勘作出了重要贡献,但仍有未尽善处。
5)Uunhuang volume敦煌卷
6)Dunhuang written volume敦煌写卷
1.There are 31 groups of interchangeable Chinese characters in the Dunhuang written volume.敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》(残卷)中共有通假字31组,为研究汉字的形义关系及其演变过程,判断理解文献古义,辨清学术史上的相关论争,提供了实证材料。

敦煌1.古代郡名。治所在今甘肃省敦煌县。西汉元鼎六年(公元前111年)置,北魏改为敦煌镇,后复改郡。唐武德五年(公元622年)改置西沙州,贞观七年(公元633年)又改沙州,天宝元年(公元742年)仍改敦煌郡,干元元年(公元758年)又改沙州。 2.县名。在甘肃省。西汉置。十六国前凉建都于此,北周改名鸣沙县,隋大业初复名,唐末废。清乾隆二十五年(公元1760年)复置,移治今址。县城是古代通往中亚和欧洲的交通要站。城东南25公里的莫高窟(千佛洞)保存有四世纪至十四世纪遗留的壁画﹑雕塑等艺术珍品;城南有鸣沙山﹑月牙泉名胜;城西北有玉门关,西南有阳关遗址。1987年改设敦煌市。