扁鹊心书,Bian Que Heart Book
1)Bian Que Heart Book扁鹊心书
1.Discossion on the treatment of "the Evil Doing"in Bian Que Heart Book扁鹊心书》治疗“邪祟”刍议
2)Bian Que扁鹊
1.A Dialogue With the Ancient and Reflection on the Interpretation of History of Bian Que and Traditional Chinese Medicine;扁鹊传统的古今对话与反思

1.Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes in China:Status and Countermeasures;从“扁鹊自责”谈我国糖尿病防治现状及对策
2.The History of Historical Idea: Disease of Human Body and Disease of Society;历史观念史:国病与身病——司马迁与扁鹊传奇
3.Long long ago, there was a famous doctor named Bian Que who usually traveled everywhere to collect medicine to cure patients.很久以前,有个名医叫扁鹊。他常常四处采药,医治病人。
4.The king of Wei asks the famous doctor BianQue said:" Your family brothers three people, all fine to medical skill, which one is best?魏文王问名医扁鹊说:“你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?
5.Any of various birds resembling the magpie, such as the Australian bell magpie of the family Cracticidae.钟鹊一种与喜鹊相似的鸟类,如钟鹊科的澳大利亚钟鹊
6.Same Maggie,Different Emotions--The cultural connotation of maggies同是借鹊情各异——“鹊”的文化意蕴探究
7.Either of two diving ducks(Bucephala clangula or B. islandica) of northern regions, having a short black bill, a rounded head, and yellow eyes.鹊鸭一种潜鸭(鹊鸭或冰洲鹊鸭),生活于北方,黑短喙,圆头,黄眼
8.The magpies were chattering in the trees.喜鹊在森林里啁啾乱叫。
9.one end of the box was marked `This side up'.一个喜鹊站在树梢上。
10.Now and than a magpie would call.不时有喜鹊的叫声。
11.North American goldeneye diving duck.北美洲鹊鸭科潜水鸭。
12.major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills.高跷鹊两类中的主要的一种;与反嘴鹊相似,但嘴巴是直的。
13.Mother heard a magpie call from the roof and took it for a good omen.妈妈听见喜鹊在房上叫, 觉得是个吉兆。
14.no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning.也不再对喜鹊脱帽行礼,祝它早安了。
15.black-and-white oscine birds that resemble magpies.与喜鹊相似的黑白色鸣鸟。
16.She is warm-hearted, and fond of acting as a go-between.她这人很热心, 喜欢给人踏鹊桥。
17.Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.阋?孕?粒?懊悖?痰嘉?睿?钡鹊轿依础
18.The Indian Constituent Assembly adopts India's constitution.辏?坝《认芊ㄈ?逋镀薄蓖ü?擞《鹊南芊ā

Bian Que扁鹊
1.A Dialogue With the Ancient and Reflection on the Interpretation of History of Bian Que and Traditional Chinese Medicine;扁鹊传统的古今对话与反思
1.In Records of the Historian·Biographies of Bianque,the expression "Shangchishui" was used.《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》中有"上池之水"一词,词义看似平淡,而欲确诂亦似不易,古今不少学者的注解亦不太完善,太史公谓长桑君传扁鹊秘术时所称"上池之水"应是特指唾液而言。
1.Same Maggie,Different Emotions——The cultural connotation of maggies;同是借鹊情各异——“鹊”的文化意蕴探究
1.Distribution of mercury in the tissues or organs of magpies;汞在喜鹊组织和器官中的分布规律
1.The role of magpie in formed bird community organism in secondary forest;喜鹊在山地次生林中鸟类群落组织结构形成的作用
2.The Study of Magpies Nest-site Selection in Mountainous Region Secondary Growth Forest;山地次生林喜鹊巢址选择的研究
3.The study on nest-slection of magie in Jinan City showed that:breeding activities impelled the magpie to take adaptive changes in the nest-selection.济南城市喜鹊巢位选择研究表明,喜鹊的繁殖活动发生适应性变化,巢位升高并向高建筑设施上转移。
