窦材,Dou Cai
1)Dou Cai窦材

1.Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses.鼻炎: 鼻的炎症。
2.of 10 cases sited ethmoid and antrum was Ⅱ grade;Ⅱ级(限于筛、上颌内侧上部)10例;
3.①Location: major lesions were found in frontal sinus and ethmoid sinus(34?41).①发生部位:主要位于额、筛,占83%(34?41)。
4.Either of the sinuses in the bones of the upper jaw, opening into the nasal cavity.鼻上颚骨里通向鼻腔的道之一
5.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Chronic nasosinusitis by therapy with Dou Kangtang康汤治疗慢性鼻炎临床疗效观察
6.CRS can produce inflammation of the lining of the nasal sinus.慢性鼻炎可以产生鼻腔内的炎症。
7.There Are Two Editions of DOU E YUAN--The Editions Comparison of DOU E YUAN;世间两种《娥冤》——《娥冤》版本比较
8.Treatment of multi-genesis chronic sinusitis by the expansile opening window of maxillary sinus inside nasal cavity and the united ingrained operation of multi-sinus鼻内上颌扩大开窗及多鼻联合根治术治疗慢性多发性鼻
9.Effects of Bidouqing Heji on morphological changes in maxillary sinus mucosa of rabbits with nasosinusitis鼻清合剂对兔鼻炎上颌黏膜形态影响的电镜观察
10.resection of aortic sinus aneurysm主动脉动脉瘤切除术
11.phasi sinus arrhythmia心室相性性心律不齐
12.internal carotis aneurysm in cavernous sinus海绵内颈内动脉瘤
13.carotid sinus baroreceptor颈动脉压力感受器
14.cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis海绵血栓性静脉炎
15.positive sinoatrial chronotropic effect正性房性心率作用
16.From 1978 to 1984, fourteen cases of fronto-ethmoidal mucocele (5 frontal, 3 eth moidal and 6 fronto-ethmoidal) were collected.报告额、筛粘液囊肿14例(额囊肿5例,筛囊肿3例、额-筛囊肿6例)。
17.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶蝶鞍内肿瘤手术
18.Anatomy of the sphenoidal sinus in transsphenoidal approach through a single nostril蝶的解剖及其在经单鼻孔蝶入路的应用

3)sinusitis (sinus)鼻窦炎(窦)
4)Transverse sinus横窦
1.Lateral ventricle-transverse sinus shunt in 18 hydrocephalic patients;脑积水病人侧脑室-横窦脑脊液分流术18例报道
2.Treatment of 16 cases of epidural hematoma straddling the transverse sinus;骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿16例治疗体会
3.Surgical treatment of transverse sinus injury:A report of 21 cases;横窦损伤手术治疗21例体会
5)gastric antrum胃窦
1.Enhanced effects of acetic acid at different concentration in gastric antrum mucous membrane;不同浓度乙酸对胃窦黏膜轮廓增强作用研究
2.Effect of heroin dependence on expression of somatostatin,interleukin-2 positive cells in gastric antrum of rats;海洛因依赖对大鼠胃窦生长抑素和白细胞介素2阳性细胞表达的影响
3.Expression of Lewis antigen of Helicobacter pylori in gastric antrum and body;胃窦胃体部幽门螺杆菌Lewis抗原的表达
1.Curative effect of esmolol on persistent sinus tachycardia after pulmonary lobectomy;艾司洛尔对肺叶切除术后顽固性窦性心动过速的效果
2.A case of cutaneous sinus histiocytosis;皮肤窦性组织细胞增生症
3.Effects of amiodarone on persistent sinus tachycardia during an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;胺碘酮在COPD急性加重期顽固性窦性心动过速患者中的作用

窦材窦材 窦材   宋代医家。真定(今河北正定)人,尝任官职,著有《扁鹊心书》,书中所录麻醉方药,为我国麻醉学之宝贵资料。