痨瘵,TB therapy
1)TB therapy痨瘵
2)Bone TB骨痨
1.26 Cases of Bone TB with Therapeutical Order of Chinese Medicine;中药内外合治骨痨26例

1.Clinical Observation of Surgical Operation Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine Gulao Decoction in Treating Spinal Tuberculosis手术配合自拟骨痨汤治疗脊柱结核的临床疗效观察
2.Clinic diversity analysis of ESR after anti-tuberculosis treatment in bone and joint tuberculosis骨与关节结核抗痨治疗后血沉多样性临床分析
3.Of, relating to, or afflicted with consumption.肺结核的肺痨的、与肺痨有关的或有患肺痨的
4.The disease results in creeping paralysis.这种病可发展成脊髓痨.
5."I hope this one isn't very hungry.""但愿这不是个饿痨鬼。"
6.tabetic optic atrophy脊髓痨性视神经萎缩
7.Friedreich's tabes弗利莱特什氏脊髓痨
8.locomotor ataxia [ ataxy ]【医】运动失调病, 脊髓痨
9.Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨,
10.hence tubercles in the lungs, hence death.因此,糖尿病常和痨病并发。
11.Pulmonary tuberculosis. No longer in scientific use.痨病肺结核,科学上已不再使用
12.Why should she feed this horde of hungry men?她干吗要养活这群饿痨鬼呢?
13.Latin American Union of Societies of Phthisiology拉丁美洲痨疾学会联合会
14.If suspect be n/med tuberculosis sex, should refuse consumptive disease treatment.假如怀疑是结核性的,应抗痨治疗。
15.The initial probe into Chinese medicine Gejiequanchong Tang as the first anti-tuberalosis中草药蛤蚧全虫汤剂试做一线抗痨药初探
16.Effect of YLN Capsule on M.tuberculosis H_(37)RV Infection in Animal Models;杨氏欣痨宁胶囊抗结核的动物实验研究
17.The Pharmacodynamic Study of Feilaokang Treat Drug-resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis肺痨康治疗耐药性肺结核的药效学研究
18.Experimental study on the immunoregulatory effect of a Chinese medicine YLN capsule杨氏欣痨宁胶囊免疫调节作用的实验研究

Bone TB骨痨
1.26 Cases of Bone TB with Therapeutical Order of Chinese Medicine;中药内外合治骨痨26例
3)pulmonary tuberculosis肺痨
1.Clinical observation on treatment of 72 cases of hemoptysis induced by pulmonary tuberculosis with therapy integrated Chinese and western medicine;中西医结合治疗肺痨咯血72例临床观察
1.Liver Protection Effect of Glucurolactone in the Course of Preventive Anti-tuberculosis of Pneumoconiosis;肝泰乐在尘肺预防性抗痨过程中的保肝作用及经济学分析
5)phthisis,wasting disease痨病
1.Discussion of considerations on difficult points in teaching phthisis of Chinese internal medicine;中医内科学肺痨教学疑难点讲授思路的探讨

痨瘵1.肺结核病。俗称肺痨。 2.指患肺结核病。