陆以氵恬,Lu Yitian
1)Lu Yitian陆以氵恬
2)LU Yi-tian陆以湉
4)quiet; tranquil; peaceful; restful恬静

1.He was always tractable and quiet.他总是温顺、恬静
2.her sweet unpainted face.她恬静的素淡的面容。
3.have a quiet evening at home在家度过恬静的夜晚
4.Grandma loves the peace of the countryside.奶奶喜欢乡间的恬静
5.Betty is a sedate girl.贝蒂是个恬静的姑娘。
6.It' s so peaceful out here in the country.郊区这地方多麽恬静.
7.Yesterday was bright, calm, and frosty.昨天睛朗、恬静而寒冷。
8.Alice has a very quiet voice.艾丽斯的嗓音很恬静
9.The calm, lone scene reassured her.恬静旷寂的夜景,叫她的心神安静起来。
10.But now everything here is so peaceful and tranquil.不过现在这儿一切都这样安宁、恬静
11.They all danced to the quiet music.他们都随着那恬静的音乐而翩翩起舞。
12.The Best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Optimistic.节食、恬静、乐观是最好的医生。
13.And, little town, thy streets for evermore Will silent be;呵,小镇,你的街道永远恬静
14.There is a quietness and warmth of a lamplight inside a small train stop.小站里有着恬静温暖的灯光。
15.The scenery of Qingjiang Rive attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返。
16.I partook of the infinte calm in winch she lay.我也被她安眠中的无限恬静所感染。
17.Everything is very green and peaceful.到处一片碧绿,显得格外恬静
18.This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.这个恬静的花园适合冥想。

LU Yi-tian陆以湉
4)quiet; tranquil; peaceful; restful恬静
5)grace and calmness恬淡
1.This paper studies the features of grace and calmness in traditional Chinese music.通过对一些具体作品的分析来阐述恬淡是中国传统音乐审美的意趣。
6)Daphnia magna大型氵蚤
1.Paramecium, Euglena viridis and Daphnia magna were separated and purely cultured.分离并纯化培养草履虫、绿眼虫及枝角类的大型氵蚤等浮游动物 ,同时培养产毒铜绿微囊藻 。
2.Taking Power 28 washing powder as a representative , a study on the toxic effects of nonionic detergent on Scenedeamus and Daphnia magna was conducted.以活力28洗衣粉为代表进行了非离子型洗涤剂对栅藻(Scenedeamus)及大型氵蚤(Daphniamagna)毒性影响的研究,并模拟生态环境考察了其对自然水体中浮游生物的影响。
3.The upper salinity limit defined as TL 50 for 24 hours of two populations of Daphnia magna were tested.根据24h半致死盐度值,测定了大型氵蚤两个种群的盐度上限。

恬淡恬淡indifference to fame of gain  恬淡(indifferenee to fame of gain)亦作“恬谈”。指一种安闲清静无为而作的精神状态。老子:“恬淡为上,胜而不美。”《素问·上古天真论》:“恬谈虚无,真气从之。”恬淡是古代养生学的重要思想,它要求人们保持清静的头脑,减少过分的欲望,减少真气的耗散,达到养生的目的。 (周正保撰樊友平撰)