中医学术发掘,Chinese medical science academic uncover
1)Chinese medical science academic uncover中医学术发掘
2)Academic development of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology中医药学术发展

1.Retrospect and Outlook into TCM Academic Development in Modern Technology;现代科技条件下中医药学术发展的反思与展望
2.Omics Technologies and Their Applications in Chinese Medicine Research and Development充分利用组学技术研究及发展中医药
3.Study of the development of Chinese medicine institutions teaching models under the modern information technology situation现代信息技术对中医药院校教学发展的影响
4.The Role of Integrative Medicine in the Innovation and Development of Chinese Medicine中西医结合医学在中医药创新发展中的作用
5.Discussion on the Developmental Trend of Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Historical Standpoint of Medical Sciences从医学的发展历程探讨中医药理论发展之路
6.Investigating the Development Tendency of Academy and Scientific Research of the Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine Using Information Technology应用信息技术探索我国高等中医药院校学术及科研发展趋势
7.To Promote the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicineby Keeping to the Scientific Concept of Development;坚持科学发展观 促进中医药学现代化
8.A talk on cultivation of Chinese medicine professionals from aspect of EBM development从循证医学的发展谈中医药人才的培养
9.“Abandoning theoretical system,testing medicines” is the Only Way out for Traditional Chinese Medicine;“废医验药”是发展中医药的必由之路
10.Preparatory Committee on Chinese Medicine中医药发展筹备委员会
11.An Analysis of the Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Our Country国外补充和替代医学的发展对我国中医药事业发展的借鉴
12.The Study of Intellectual Property in the Development of Bio-Medicine;医药生物技术发展中的知识产权问题研究
13.Constructing Superior Subject-groups and Promoting the Development of Subjects in Advanced TCM Universities构建优势学科群,促进高等中医药院校学科发展
14.Progress on the Study and Application of Nanotechnology in Medical and Pharmaceutical Fields纳米技术在医药学领域中研究应用进展
15.On development of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Clinical Medicine) from readers' feedback从读者反馈谈《北京中医药大学学报(中医临床版)》的发展
16.Highlight the characteristics of Chinese Medicine to promote the development of Chinese Medicine hospital突出中医药特色 推动中医院发展
17.The Expedition of Zheng He s Fleet to the Western World and the Development of Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicine in the Ming Dynasty;郑和下西洋与明代中医药学的走向世界和发展
18.Scientific development of TCM colleges and universities in western region of China对西部地区高等中医药院校科学发展的思考

Academic development of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology中医药学术发展
3)Academic research in Chinese medicine中医学术
4)academicof TCM中医药学术
5)the academic history of traditional Chinese medicine中医学术史
6)development of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学发展
1.Combining syndrome differentiation with disease differentiation is an important method to improve the therapeutic effect and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine.就如何提高中医的临床疗效及临床疗效在中医学发展中的重要作用等采访了金实教授。

中医中医  ①中医学的简称。②本学科专业职业队伍。