1.Chinese Tradition Poetice Utterance and Buddhism Utterance;中国传统诗学话语与佛家话语
2.The Buddhism s View on Nature and Chinese Tradition of Poetics and Aesthetics;佛家自然观与我国诗学美学传统
3.Revealing the Secrets of Ego:S.Freud s Psycho-analysis and Buddhism s Probing into the Mind;自我揭秘:弗洛伊德的心理分析与佛家对心的探求

1.So we could say Xiong wants to help Buddhism but not to destroy it.可以说,佛氏无反对佛家之心,有扶助佛学之愿。
2.The Buddhist saying "put away the knife, and the butcher becomes a Buddha immediately" is meant to instruct people to behave in a good way.佛家讲"放下屠刀, 立地成佛"是让人向善。
3.Early Buddhist ethics calls for practitioners to cultivate four mental states早期的佛教伦理学要求佛家弟子培养四种情感
4.And Jiang Yan takes Taoism thought and Buddhism thought which attaches to the Taoism thought as auxiliary.而以道家思想与佛教思想为辅,其佛家思想又依附于道家思想之上。
5.Chinese Buddhist and Confucian Filial Piety of the Comparative Study;中国佛家与儒家孝道思想的比较研究
6.According to Buddhism,sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits.在佛家看来,它更有驱邪避祟的功能。
7.Significance of Buddhist Knowledge to University Students Psychological Construction;论佛家智慧对大学生心理建构的意义
8.One of the Sources of Ancient Popular Novels: A Study of Buddhist s “Discourse” and “Storytelling”;古代通俗小说之源:佛家“论议”、“说话”考
9.He drives to Denver the next day, checking into a hotel.次日,他驾车去丹佛,定了家旅馆。
10.Almost every religious family has a small sutra recitation hall or a niche for a Buddhist statue.信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛。
11.His acceptance by Harvard University is on everyone's lips.大家都在谈论他被哈佛大学录取的事。
12.Husband: Praise to Buddha. Yes, what a lovely home!丈夫:佛主保佑,多么可爱的家呀!
13.The integrity of his scholarship was, I believe, unmatched at Harvard.其大家风范,在哈佛无人可以望其项背。
14.Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire.圣达菲的希佛相信,他的家逃过一劫。
15.The Interpretation and Reference of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism to Buddhism;现代新儒家对传统佛学的诠释与借鉴
16.A Tentative Study of the Commandment Elements of Buddhism and Taoism in Traditional Family Regulations;传统家规中所见佛、道戒律因素初论
17.The Change of Buddhist View in Groups of Writers of New Youth;《新青年》作家群佛教观的嬗变轨迹
18.Discussion of English Sinologist James Legge s Translation of A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms;浅议英国汉学家理雅各的《佛国记》译本

Buddhist thought佛家思想
3)Buddhist orientation佛家怀抱
1.Wang Anshi’s poems so called with Jinggong Style were the manifestation of the formation and mature of his poetry style, and the Buddhist orientation was the expression of the poet’s high level of intelligence in the character of poetry.所谓"荆公体"诗的佛家怀抱,是诗人知行高蹈状态的诗性呈示。
4)Buddhist wisdom佛家智慧
5)home Buddhism在家佛教
1.However,developing Prince belief since Prince Shyotoku Biogrcqhy finished,Shinran admiresPrince Shyotoku as the country’s religious leader from the perspective of home Buddhism.但是,从在家佛教这一角度来看,亲鸾奉圣德太子为和国之教主是其对《圣德太子传历》问世以来太子信仰的发展。
6)embracing of Buddhism佛家色彩
1.His embracing of Buddhism and the influence from his childhood is also represented.丰子恺的一生写了大量的有关儿童和涉及儿童的散文,丰子恺倾慕儿童世界一方面是出于对成人社会的不满,另一方面又是心灵深处童真未泯的体现,并且带有明显的佛家色彩和童年生活的痕迹。

佛家【佛家】 (术语)佛之净土也。观无量寿经曰:“当坐道场生诸佛家。”观经散善义曰:“即入诸佛之家,即净土是也。”【又】初地以上为佛家。观经慧远疏曰:“不思议佛法,是佛住处,名为佛家。初地已上,入佛家中。依之趣行,名生佛家。”