1.Exploring on Subject Position of Sinology;国学的学科定位问题探索

1.foreign languages, goods, students外国语、 外国货、 外国学生.
2.What do American students study at college?美国学生在大学学什么?
3.United Nations International School (UNIS) - New York, USA联合国国际学校(国际学校)-纽约,美国
4.International Society of Chemical Ecology(ISCE)国际化学生态学学会
5.International Society for Geometry and Graphics(ISGG)国际几何学与图学学会
6.A Review of Foreign Literature Teaching in Normal Colleges According to That in Middle Schools;从中学外国文学教学反观高师外国文学教学
7.United Nations International School联合国国际学校(国际学校)
8.Construction of China s Discipline of Public Administration:Scientification and Sinolization;中国行政学学科建设:科学化和中国化
9.ITI(International Textile Institute)国际纺织学会(英国)
10.a CE junior schoo英国国教初级学校.
11.British National Radio School英国国家无线电学校
12.Cyclopedia of American Horticulture美国国艺学百科全书
13.overseas students in Britain在英国的外国留学生.
14."Cathay Is Not China": Images of China in English Literature;“中国不是中国”:英国文学里的中国形象
15.Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering中国生物医学工程学报
16.International Society of Immunology of Reproduction国际生殖免疫学学会
17.I'm planning to study in an American university.我想在美国的大学上学。
18.International Society of Differentiation国际鉴别生物学学会

Chinese National Culture国学
1.The Consciousness of "Chinese National Culture" and The Transcendence of "Tradition";“国学”的自觉与“传统”的超越
2.This paper expounds the basic definition,connotation and extension of Chinese national culture,the reasons why Chinese nationalities should carry forward Chinese national culture and be engaged in education of Chinese national culture.本文站在创建中华民族新文化的高度,阐明了新时期国学的基本定义、内涵和外延。
3.Chinese national culture is usually known as the study of Chinese traditional culture.中国传统思想文化,亦即国学,经过两千余年的积累和沉淀,形成了自身独特的发展系统与特质,在中国传统社会中发挥着巨大的作用。
3)Chinese Studies国学
1.Wang Guowei——Leader of the New Course of Chinese Studies in the 20th Century;王国维——20世纪国学新路之引领人
2.A Pursuit to the Origin of Chinese Studies——From the Six Classics to Chinese Studies国学之原的求索——由六经开出中华国学
3.Anthropology of China cannot be separated from Chinese Studies, nor can the in-depth Chinese studies be done without anthropology.中国的人类学研究离不开国学,国学研究的深入同样也离不开人类学的视角,作为人类学工作者应考虑如何将这两门学问结合起来,以最大地发挥其在中国优秀传统文化的继承和发扬中的作用。
4)Classical Chinese Literature国学
1.Retrospection and Sedimentation:Thoughts on Modernization of Classical Chinese Literature——on City Forum of Classical Chinese Literature by Li Xungui and Song Jie;回溯与沉潜:国学的现代化思考——评李训贵、宋婕主编的《城市国学讲坛》
2.New Probe into Classical Chinese Literature Education in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校国学教育模式新探索
5)Traditional Chinese Learning国学
1.The concept of Traditional Chinese Learning was raised in response to the challenge of Western Learning.“国学”概念提出的最根本的目的,在于回应“西学”的挑战。
1.In order to construct the approval on modern China,many intellectuals often reviewed "guoxue" and the history recorded by "guoxue".它使许多知识人常追思"国学"及其承载的国族的历史,并以此为基础去建构对现代中国的认同。
