1.Analyzing the numeral one s number meaning and non-number meaning in the idiom;浅析数词“”在成语中的数目意义与非数目意义
2.A Study on "Grasp the One" Political Idea of Huang-lao School;黄老学“执”政治观探析
3.From "one" to "many" and then back to "many" --the comparison of Aristotle and Spinoza ideas of Substance;从“多”到“”再回到“多”——从亚里士多德与斯宾诺莎关于本体的学说之比较看哲学发展的趋势

1.Listen and point. Then ask and answer.听听,指指,
2.Every day was much the same.每天几乎都样。
3.A pear, a pear, a pear.个梨,个梨,个梨。
4.A nest or brood of pheasants.窝雉窝或群野鸡
5.Little seconds form minutes,秒构成分,
6.every other day/month/year每隔天/个月/
7.A point, line, or plane.点,条线或个平面.
8.Let's learn, draw and colour学学,画画,涂
9.Listen, Draw and Number听听,画画,数
10.Listen, read and trace听听,读读,描
11.improving day by day, little by little, bit by bit, etc天地、 些地、 点地...改善
12.driblet:a tiny falling drop of liquid.滴:小滴液体.
13.(in baseball)any strike or throw(棒球)击或
14.give a try [ guess ]拭拭[猜猜],
15.Ten cents, fifteen cents, twenty cents!角,角半,二角!
16.You can't gain knowledge without practice.吃堑,长智嘛。?
17.A pile, mound, or heap.堆,垛,堆积物
18.by [ in ] drib(b)lets点地, 渐渐

1.Concretely speaking,Laots rarely talk about Qi,but by introducing Qi,Yuanqi and Jingqi,Laoziheshanggongzhu gave a new interpreting of Tao,Yi of Laots,especially emphasized the effection and essentiality of Qi in the course of universe s creating.《老子河上公注》是现存汉代为数不多的注老作品之
2."Yi" is one of the core concepts of Xun zi s philosophy,and has an important function in the system of it.“”是荀子哲学的核心性概念之,并且在荀子哲学体系中起着以贯之的重要作用。
3)one+verbal qantifier+one+verbal qantifier一A一A
4)"A one and a two "《一一》
5)Once one is one.一一得一。
6)caving coal once in a cutting一切一放

一  道教教义,与"道"相当。《道枢·真一篇》称芸芸万物"其变化之源,始生于一,终复于一,所以历万变而不穷"。《老子》云:"天得一以清,地得一以宁,神得一以灵,谷得一以盈,万物得一以生,侯王得一以为天下贞。"宋林希逸注云:"一者,道也。"《太平经》称"一者,乃道之根也,气之始也,命之所系属,众心之主也"。认为采用守一之法,可以得到天地开辟之要谛,不仅可以求得自身的长生,而且可以实现太平之世。葛洪《抱朴子内篇·地真》也认为"人能守一,一亦守人"。"守一"不仅能够长生,而且"白刃无所措其锐,百害无所容其凶,居败能成,在危独安",可以"行万里,入军旅。涉大川,不须卜日择时,......终不复值殃咎地"。    守一之法又分为守真一、守玄一两种。《道枢·真一篇》称真一者,"在乎气液","炼气液以生龙虎,合龙虎以成变化,使九还七返,混一归真",可得长生之根。道教内丹家引申为"真水",以其"积气生液,积液生气"、"气液相生"之故也。"玄一"者,"与真一同功","守玄一复易于守真一",并且可以得到"分形之道"。《抱朴子内篇·地真》又云:"真一有姓字长短服色目,玄一但此见之。......守玄一,并思其身,分为三人,三人已见,又转益之,可至数十人,皆如己身。"《老子想尔注》亦谓"一者道也","一散形为气,聚形为太上老君,常治昆仑,或言虚无,或言自然,或言无名,皆同一耳",因此,"一"仅指为"气","一不在人身","一在天地外,入在天地间,但往来人身中耳,都皮里悉是,非独一处"。守一者指"教人守诫不违"。如果不行其诫,即为失一。