老年病,senile disease
1)senile disease老年病
1.Therapeutic method of senile disease in Linzheng Zhinan Yi An;《临证指南医案》老年病探析
2.On the necessity and possibility of discipline construction of Chinese combined with western medicine to treat senile diseases;浅谈中西医结合老年病学科建设的必要性和可能性
3.Objective: In order to have more direction to treat senile diseases,the feature of diseases and the principle of medication are investigated.目的:着重探讨老年人疾病的特点和用药原则,以期对老年病的治疗更具有针对性。

1.A physician who specializes in geriatrics.老年病学家专攻老年病学的医生
2.a specialist in gerontology.专攻老年病学的医生。
3.Utilization of Antithrombotic Drugs in Senile Wards of Our Hospital During 2007~20082007~2008年我院老年病区抗栓药应用分析
4.The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.老年病学研究对老年人疾病和问题的诊断和治疗的医学分支
5.Other geriatricians are more blunt.其他的老年病专家更加直言不讳。
6.In dealing with sick old people nurses must practise economy在护理老年病人时护士得耐心。
7.of or relating to or practicing geriatrics.属于、关于或从事老年病学的。
8.the geriatric ward of a hospital医院中的老年人病房.
9.International Psychogeriatric Association(IPA)国际老年精神病学会
10.Discussion on Pathogenesis of Senile Dementia with the Theory of Yangming Disease从阳明病变论述老年呆病的发病机制
11.The Study of Late-life Depression Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis老年抑郁症病因病机与辨证论治研究
12.The Master Thesis Defense the Anaesthesia of Parkinsons Disease of Middle-aged and Elderly the Graduate School of Beijing XIEHE Medical College Lei Cao the Master's Instructor Naiguang Jia关于中老年人常见病帕金森病的麻醉
13.Analysis on the risk factors of diabetic nephropathy in older patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus老年2型糖尿病肾病危险因素的分析
14.Clinical epidemiological study of elderly chronic kidney diseases老年慢性肾脏病的临床流行病学研究
15.Taiyuan City 435 elderly Alzheimer's disease status of the investigation太原城区435名老年人老年痴呆患病现况调查
16.Analysis of Chronic Disease of Middle-Aged in Five Years5年间中老年患慢性疾病的统计分析
17.Alzheimer's disease is a condition of the brain that usually affects older people.早老性痴呆症是一种老年人易得的脑部疾病,
18.Study on Incidence Rate of Depression in Elderly in Different Styles of Providing for the Aged不同养老方式下老年期抑郁症发病规律的探讨

1.Application of Invigorating the Kidney and Promoting Blood Circulation Treatment in Geriatrics补肾活血法在老年病治疗中的运用
2.Today geriatric medicine or geriatrics has become one of the newest medical subjects through persistent efforts of gerontologist clinics and scientific research works in developed countries.Nascher医生首先提出老年病学的概念(Geriatrics)近一个世纪以来,欧美部分国家老年医学专家的临床和科研工作使老年病学得以不断地完善,迄今已经形成了一门完整的学科。
3)Senile diseases老年病
1.Objective:To look for means to resolve problems on the clinical study of senile diseases.目的:分析探讨当前老年病中医临床研究中存在问题的解决途径。
4)Aged disease老年病
5)senility/aging disease衰老/老年病
6)Elderly patients老年病人
1.Elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction thrombolytic therapy in nursing;老年病人急性心肌梗死溶栓治疗的护理
2.Status quo of nursing care of elderly patients underwent oxygen therapy;老年病人氧疗的护理现状
3.The characteristics and inspiration of death time distribution of hospitalized elderly patients;住院老年病人死亡时间分布特征及启示

气功防治老年病气功防治老年病 气功著作。邝安■主编。此书阐述气功源流及其中医理论基础。并将建国以来气功作用机理的研究成果予以系统归纳。作者介绍气功锻炼的基本方法、基本原则及常见问题的处理。对辨证练功、内气外放等问题亦作了探讨。所述6种常用静功及气功健身操、保健按摩、诱导性气功之锻炼方法简便易行。邝氏以大量临床观察资料为依据,分别对气功防治心血管、呼吸、消化等系统中老年常见病予以总结。书末附列若干气功学术语和现代医学术语的英文名称。1988年由人民卫生出版社出版。