1.Based on the archaeological discoveries and research, the place of Tang where Taotang lived was not in the southern Shanxi province, but in the northern Henan province.相关的考古发现和研究以及文献记载表明 ,陶唐氏所居之“唐”地不在晋南地区 ,而是位于豫北地区。
2)surname Tang唐氏
1.From January to June in 2005, the tombs of the concubines of surname Tang and Cui of King Anguoxiang of the Tang dynasty were excavated by No.2005年1月~6月,洛阳市第二文物工作队于洛南新区发掘唐安国相王孺人唐氏和崔氏两墓。

1.Hong Kong Down Syndrome Associatio香港唐氏综合症协会
2.Of or relating to Down syndrome.唐氏综合症,蒙古症唐氏综合症或与之有关的
3.of or relating to or suffering from Down Syndrome.唐氏综合症的或与之有关的,或患唐氏综合症的。
4.China is a vulnerable region with a large population of Babies affected with Down Syndrome我国是唐氏综合征患儿的高发国家
5.Welcome to Don's Toyota.欢迎光临“唐氏丰田汽车公司”。
6.Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome.结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。
7.A Research on Narrative Competence of Children with Down Syndrome;唐氏综合征儿童叙事能力的初步研究
8.Appolication of STR-PCR in Diagnosis of Down Syndrome;STR-PCR在唐氏综合征诊断中的应用
9.Diagnosis and review of 2893 examples of prenatal sieve2893例产前唐氏综合征筛查及诊断分析
10.Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mental Retardation in Down Syndrome唐氏综合征智力低下的细胞分子机制
11.Detection of Down syndrome by the double chromatography fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction双色荧光定量PCR快速诊断唐氏综合征
12.A Study on the rapid prenatal diagnosis for Down's syndrome唐氏综合征快速产前诊断方法的研究
13.Jun wang(good family pedigree)in Han,Tang Dynasties and Dashi(great master)in Bohai --3 evidential researches of Dashi in Bohai;汉唐郡望观念与渤海大氏——渤海大氏三考
14.A Study into the Epitaph and Funsral Figures of Musicians and Dancers form Madam Cen's Tomb of the Tang Period in Mengjin孟津唐岑氏夫人墓墓志及伎乐俑研究
15.The Clan of Minority General : Hun Clan Phenomenon of Tang Dynasty蕃将世家:唐代浑氏家族现象研究
16.Cultural Research of Chu s Clan in Yangzhai between Weijin and Suitang Dynasties;魏晋隋唐间的阳翟褚氏家族文化研究
17.A Brief Discussion on the Li family of Zhao-jun in Hebei in the Sui and Tang Dynasties;隋唐时期河北地区赵郡李氏活动略论
18.The Tragedy of Rural Women--From Hei Shi to Tang Wan-er;乡土女人的悲剧——从黑氏到唐宛儿

surname Tang唐氏
1.From January to June in 2005, the tombs of the concubines of surname Tang and Cui of King Anguoxiang of the Tang dynasty were excavated by No.2005年1月~6月,洛阳市第二文物工作队于洛南新区发掘唐安国相王孺人唐氏和崔氏两墓。
3)Tangshan ceramics唐山陶瓷
4)Down's child唐氏儿
5)Tang thread唐氏螺纹
1.,Tang thread fastening and forced lock nut fastening.针对当前客车车下悬挂系统的紧固现状,经比较分析后提出2种可靠、可行的紧固方式,即唐氏螺纹紧固及硬锁紧螺母紧固。
2.A new thsread, which is named Tang thread, is invented.发明了一种新型螺纹—唐氏螺纹,这种螺纹采用的是变截面非完整螺纹,并且将左旋和右旋螺旋线复合 在同一段螺旋线上,具有左、右放螺纹的特点,可分别与左、右旋螺纹配合。
6)G. donkii唐氏灵芝
