
1.Establishment and value of fitness Qigong's new methods健身气功新功法的创编及其价值分析
2.A New Method on Optimal Real-Time Pricing of Active and Reactive Powers有功与无功功率最优实时定价新方法
3.Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Reactive Power Algorithm and Reactive Power Compensation非正弦无功功率算法与无功补偿研究
4.old person's method of qi inducing老君导引法(气功)
5.Comparision on different anaerobic power methods between deep jumping and wingate;纵跳法无氧功与Wingate无氧功的对比研究
6.Active and Reactive Power Flow Decoupling for Power System Installed with SSSC含SSSC输电系统的有功无功解耦算法
7.The copy functions cannot be used.无法使用复制功能。
8.power measuring assembly based on activation活化法功率测量装置
9.The merits of the Sunshine Act are controversial.《阳光法》的功绩众说纷
10.The treatment proved successful.该疗法证明是成功的。
11.power measuring assembly based on gamma radiatio辐射法功率测量装置
12.professional instructors, proven methods专职教师 成功教学法
13.His mission to France is successful.他出使法国很成功。
14.her unformed handwriting她那没有功底的书法
15.She's putting a lot of work into improving her French.她正在下功夫进修法语.
16.The treatment works like magic.这种疗法功效神奇。
17.The rule of law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's success.法治是香港成功的基
18.The Study of Power Allocation Algorithms in MIMO-OFDM System;MIMO—OFDM功率分配算法研究

Gong Li Gong Fa功理功法
3)the skill exercise功力功法
4)Reactive Power Method无功功率法
5)the method of balance of work功平衡法
1.Force of tube extrusion about the different curved die induced Using the method of balance of work;功平衡法求解不同型线凹模管材挤压力
6)dynamometer diagram method功图法
1.Metering well yield with dynamometer diagram method;计量油井产量的功图法技术

古人养生强身功法古人养生强身功法 气功著作。白效曼、李业甫编著。此书分上、下篇。上篇叙述静养功、易筋经、小周天祛病益寿功、马王堆益寿延年导引功等13种功法,并附有国外导引法1种。诸功法介绍,一般分原文、白话解两部分,配有插图,间附说明。下篇针对头面五官、呼吸系统、消化系统等7类几十种疾病,列举《诸病源候论》100余种简易功法及养生知识。1986年由安徽科学技术出版社出版。