
1.Trinity of physique differentiation, diagnosis of disease and syndrome differentiation and clinical practice of diabetes辨体质、辨病、辨证“三位一体”诊疗模式与糖尿病临床实践
2.Research of Gexing and Yuefu in A poetry and article anthology distinguishing styles and An anthology distinguishing literature styles in detail;《文章辨体》与《文体明辨》的歌行与乐府研究
3.On the Style-breaking,Style-following and the Respect of the Literary Genre of Ci-poetry in the Ci-poetry Study in the Qing Dynasty;清代词学中的破体、辨体与推尊词体
4.On the Stylistic Significance and Critical Sense of Liu Xie s “Style Distinctions”;刘勰“辨体”的文体论意蕴及批评学意义
5.A Study of Form Distinction in Classical Poetics in light of Stylistics;文体学视角与古代诗学辨体理论研究
6.TCM Syndrome Differentiation's Thinking,Methods and System中医辨证思维 辨证方法与辨证体系
7.inability to recognize objects by use of the senses.不能通过感官辨认物体。
8.Why Shuo Is not Included in Wenxuan: On the Style of Shuo and the Formation of Fiction;《文选》不录“说”体辨——“说”的文体辨析与小说的形成
9.In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位
10.Measurement study of disease differentiation treatment based on standard syndrome differentiation在规范化辨证基础上构建量化辨病论治体系
11.Discussion on Correlation between Sports Business and Sports Industry;体育事业与体育产业的相关关系辨析
12.Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Physical Education in Schools and the Concept of the Teaching of Physical Education;学校体育思想与体育教学思想之辨析
13.Analysison the Relationship Between Happy Physical Education and the PE and Health;快乐体育和体育与健康教育关系辨析
14.Modern Sport Thoughts: the Philosophical Contemplation about the Relationship between Sport and Religion;现代体育思想:体育与宗教的哲学思辨
15.An Argument on “The Theory of Teaching Subject”;“教学主体论”辨析——兼论“双重主体说”
16.Analysis to Theory of Physical Education--discussion to development of "physical education"辨析“体质教育论”——兼论“身体教育”的发展
17.On the Nature of Ci Pu in XU Shizeng s CI Ti Min Bian;论徐师曾《词体明辨》的词谱性质——兼论《啸馀谱》与《词体明辨》之关系
18.telescopic vision.能分辨远距离物体的视力

air distinguishing气体辨识
3)select medicated diet on the basis of differential body condition辨体施食
4)differentiation of symptoms and signs辨证体征
1.Clinical study on physical signs of tcm differentiation of symptoms and signs in vascular dementia with obstruction of collaterals by blood stasis;血管性痴呆瘀血阻络证中医辨证体征临床研究
5)constitution differentiation and analysis体质辨析
1.Brief discussion of clinical meaning of constitution differentiation and analysis;浅论体质辨析的临床意义
6)Holistic and differential treatment整体辨治
1.Holistic and differential treatment on male infertility;男性不育症的整体辨治思路

辨体【辨体】 (术语)五重玄义之一。(参见:玄义)附录。