1.The cultural interpretation of Tracks and Traces of Supernatural Beings in the Green Country to the situation and mentality of literati in the last phase of feudal age;《绿野仙踪》对封建末世读书人处境、心态的文化解读
2.On Literati's Health in Ancient China中国古代读书人健康问题之研究

1.“Push Military Officers in Confucian Studies” and “Put Scholars in Power”in the Early Song Dynasty;谈宋初之“欲武臣读书”与“用读书人
2.Canadian wins the Booker Prize加拿大人赢得读书人
3.Bookshop and Reading Life--Review of Lewis Buzee's "The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop"书店与读书人生——试评刘易斯·布兹比《书店的灯光》
4.Although people enjoyed reading his book,虽然人们爱读他的书,
5.Some people read for learning and knowledge.有人为了学习而读书。
6.Reading is very enjoyable.读书十分令人高兴。
7.Most people are very fond of reading books.大多数人都很喜欢读书。
8."Read not Books alone, But men"不要光是读书,还要识人
9.That book is read by the young.那本书是年轻人的读物。
10.In ancient times, only children of well-to-do families learnt to read and write. Those born to poor parents would have found it extremely hard to get an opportunity to do this.古代,富人子弟才有条件读书,穷人孩子读书难。
11.Method Holding a reading meeting to realize knowledge sharing.方法 开展读书报告会 ,实现一人读书 ,知识共享。
12.The books sat unread on the shelf for years.这些书在书架上搁了许多年无人读过。
13.A History of Written Messages:A Review of the Book《传薪有斯人》书信中的历史——《传薪有斯人》读书记
14.This book turns people off rather than on.这本书不是使人越读越想读,而是使人感到厌烦。
15.Even if there is a certain book that every one must read, like the Bible, there is a timefor it.纵使某一本书,如《圣经》之类,是人人必读的,读这种书也有一定的时候。
16.a certain philosopher has said, "Reading makes people wise".有哲人说过“读书使人明智” 。
17.a book club provides a great excuse for book lovers to keep adding to their personal libraries.私人读书俱乐部还为读书爱好者个人提供了不断给他们的个人图书馆增添新书的好借口。
18.This book has been read, reread and lovingly lingered over.这本书让人读了又想读,爱不释手地仔细品味。

people's education through book reading读书育人
3)a reading man爱读书的人
4)Celebrities Reading Art《名人读书艺术》
1.This paper presents deeply the features of Celebrities Reading Art.李继高先生编著的《名人读书艺术》的内容特点:一是论及了读书问题的方方面面,如为什么要读书、读什么书、怎样读书等;二是书中论及的读书方法都是老作家、老学者的经验之谈,可学可行;三是借名人之口谈读书,有"名人效应";四是本书作者在每篇文后所作的"提示"准确清晰。
5)Reading makes a full man.读书使人完善
6)a great reader很爱读书的人
