1.Advantages of researching sub-health state by Chinese medicine;试论中医研究亚健康状态的优势
2.Effect of the somatosensory vibro-music relaxation therapy on treatment of physical and psychological symptoms on sub-health patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial;体感振动音乐放松疗法改善亚健康状态身心症状的临床对照研究
3.Senile sub-health refers to the fact that older people are less strong than youngsters.“老年亚健康状态”亦即老人较青年人偏衰的状态 ,对老年人除体力外 ,精神心理状态也是一个重要的方面。

1.Improving the Urban People s Subhealthy State by Body-building Exercise;论运动健身改善都市人“亚健康状态
2.Status Quo of Sub-health of Nurses and the Countermeasures护理人员亚健康状态研究现状及对策
3.Effects of the Intervention Measures to the Current Students Sub-health Conditin;健康干预对大学生亚健康状态改善效果评价
4.A Preliminary Analysis of the Sub-health in the Faculty of Institution of Higher Learning and Measures;浅析高校教师亚健康状态及应对措施
5.The Subhealthy State of Our Intellectuals and Preventive Countermeasure;我国知识分子亚健康状态及预防对策
6.Investigation and Analysis of 682 Abnormal Menstruation and Sub-health State Cases682例亚健康状态与月经异常调查分析
7.Tire-type Sub healthy State of Post Eathquake and Intervention of TCM震后疲劳型亚健康状态及中医药干预
8.Intervene sub-health state by the theory of "preventive treatment of disease"运用中医“治未病”理论干预亚健康状态
9.Physical Exercise in Improving the Role of Sub-health State体育锻炼在改善亚健康状态中的作用
10.A comparison on coping between subhealth and non-subhealth status among anxiety or depression dominance焦虑或抑郁明显的亚健康与非亚健康状态之应付方式比较
11.A Study on Sub-state of Mental Health and Self Health Care Consciousness of College Students in Fujian Province;福建省大学生亚健康状态与自我保健意识研究
12.The Epidemiology Investigation for Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sub-Health;健康人亚健康状态中医基本征候及其诊断标准的临床研究
13.Discussion on Importance of Health Education from Perspective of Sub-health of College Freshmen;从大学新生亚健康状态谈学校健康教育之重要性
14.A Comparative Analysis of the Sub-health Conditions of Middle-aged Mental Workers against the Healthy Indexes of Physique Tests;中年脑力劳动者亚健康状态与健康体质测试的比较分析
15.Intervention of Comprehensive Recuperation Factors for Subhealth State综合疗养因子对亚健康状态的干预作用
16.Early Diagnosis of Sub-healthy Status by Tsing Hua Multimedia Computing Microscopy Diagnostic Instrument (THMMDI) Examination.多媒体显微诊断仪对人体亚健康状态检测
17.Pilot Study on Epidemiologic Survey of Sub-health Status in the Business Enterprise Crowd;企业人群亚健康状态流行病学调查的初步研究
18.The Study on Recognition of Sub-health from Pulse Wave;基于脉搏信号的亚健康状态识别方法的研究

Sub-health state亚健康状态
1.Treatment of sub-health state with foot reflective therapeutics;“亚健康状态”的足反射疗法
2.Prevention and treatment of college teachers "sub-health state;高校教师“亚健康状态”防治探析
3)sub-health status亚健康状态
1.Objective To study the clinical manifestations of spleen-QI deficiency in workers with sub-health status.目的研究亚健康状态常见中医证候脾气虚证的证候特征。
2.Because the data in sub-health status contains latent variables,measure deviations and relationship among variables needs to be confirmed,it can not be conducted with the traditional statistic methods.亚健康状态是处于健康与疾病之间的一种"非病但非健康"的中间状态,主要表现为躯体、心理和社会适应等方面的不适,目前尚没有公认的概念和测量诊断工具。
3.This paper conducted a survey and analysis on sub-health status based on the students of some colleges and universities in Wu Han area, and the findings show that:⑴The overall distribution of sub-health statusRespondents in the 1860 cases, 1684 were sub-health status, 90.为此,本文对武汉地区部分高校学生亚健康状态进行了调查与分析,其研究结果表明:⑴亚健康状态的整体分布在1860例被调查者中,亚健康状态者1684例,占总体的90。
1.Clinical Observations on Treatment of Subhealth with Acupuncture and Moxibustion plus Dorsal Movable Cupping;针灸配合背部走罐治疗亚健康状态临床观察
2.An Analysis of the Emotion Disorder in the Citizens with Subhealth Status居民亚健康状态的情绪障碍分析
3.Objective To explore the clinical manifestation of subhealth status in teachers and medical staff.目的了解广东省某高校职工亚健康状态常见的临床表现。
5)Sub-health condition亚健康状态
1.Effect of occupational stress on sub-health condition among teachers in middle schools;职业紧张对中学教师亚健康状态的影响
2.A Study of the Relationship between Sub-health Condition and Occupational Stress and the Effect on the Work Ability of Teachers in the Middle Schools;中学教师亚健康状态与职业紧张的关系及其对工作能力的影响研究
3.To improve human cognition of sub-health condition by analyzing current situation of sub-health researches,the authors of this article reviewed the concept of sub-health,etiological factor,epidemiology,diagnostic code and other sides.通过对亚健康现状及研究进展的分析,旨在提高人们对亚健康状态的认识。
6)Subhealth condition亚健康状态
1.The double-blind tests of TTM and standard diagnosis methods were used in subhealth condition.目的应用热扫描成像(TTM)技术对人体进行健康体检,并进行诊断试验研究,旨在评价其对亚健康状态的诊断价值。

应力状态和应变状态  构件在受力时将同时产生应力与应变。构件内的应力不仅与点的位置有关,而且与截面的方位有关,应力状态理论是研究指定点处的方位不同截面上的应力之间的关系。应变状态理论则研究指定点处的不同方向的应变之间的关系。应力状态理论是强度计算的基础,而应变状态理论是实验分析的基础。    应力状态  如果已经确定了一点的三个相互垂直面上的应力,则该点处的应力状态即完全确定。因此在表达一点处的应力状态时,为方便起见,常将"点"视为边长为无穷小的正六面体,即所谓单元体,并且认为其各面上的应力均匀分布,平行面上的应力相等。单元体在最复杂的应力状态下的一般表达式如图1,诸面上共有9个应力分量。可以证明,无论一点处的应力状态如何复杂,最终都可用剪应力为零的三对相互垂直面上的正应力,即主应力表示。当三个正应力均不为零时,称该点处于三向应力状态。若只有两对面上的主应力不等于零,则称为二向应力状态或平面应力状态。若只有一对面上的主应力不为零,则称为单向应力状态。      应力圆  是分析应力状态的图解法。在已知一点处相互垂直的待定截面上应力的情况下,通过应力圆可求得该点处其他截面上的应力。应力圆也称莫尔圆。图2b即为图2a所示平面应力状态下表示垂直于xx平面的面上之应力与x、x截面上已知应力间关系的应力圆。利用它可求得:①任意 α面上的应力;②"最大"和"最小"正应力;③"最大"和"最小"剪应力。由应力圆上代表"最大"和"最小"正应力的A、B点可知,这些正应力所在截面上的剪应力为零,因而"最大"和"最小"正应力也就是该点处的主应力。      应变圆  也称应变莫尔圆,是分析应变状态的图解法,其原理与应力圆类似,但应变圆的纵坐标为负剪应变的一半,横坐标为线应变 ε。在已知一点处的线应变εx、εy与剪应变γxy时,即可作出应变圆,从而求得该点处主应变 ε1与ε2的大小及其方向。在实验分析的测试中常用各种形状的应变花测量(见材料力学实验)一点处三个方向的应变,例如用"直角"应变花可测得一点处的线应变ε0°、ε45°、ε90°。根据一点处三个方向的线应变也可利用应变圆求得该点处的主应变ε1与ε2。    广义胡克定律  当按材料在线弹性范围内工作时,一点处的应力状态与应变状态之间的关系由广义胡克定律表达。对于各向同性材料,弹性模量E、剪切弹性模量G、泊松比v均与方向无关,且线应变只与正应力σ有关,剪应变只与剪应力τ有关。三向应力状态下,各向同性材料的广义胡克定律为                           τxy=Gγxy         τyz=Gγyz         τzx=Gγzx平面应力状态(σz=0, τyz=0, γzx=0)下的广义胡克定律应用最为普遍         单向应力状态下的胡克定律则为σ=Eε。