虚劳,consumptive disease
1)consumptive disease虚劳
1.Synopsis of the Golden Chamber not only systematicaly explains the pathogenic factors,pathogenesis,main ideas of syndrome differentiation,and the treatment of diabetes,but respectively discuss the complications of various diabetes,such as the consumptive lung disease,dribbling urination,retention of fluid,stranguria,consumptive disease and blood-arthralgia.《金匮要略》不仅系统阐述了消渴病的病因病机、辨证要点及治法,还分别论及多种消渴病的并发症,如肺痿、小便不利、水气、淋病、虚劳、血痹等,并提出了相应的治法及预防措施。
2.Because of insufficient natural endowment caused by various reasons of parents,life is shorter;development is slower;body is weaker and easier to catch consumptive disease.人身源于父母,禀赋于先天,若由于父母的各种原因导致下一代先天禀赋不足,则容易造成其寿命相对较短;发育迟缓;体质柔弱且易患虚劳
3.According to documents of successive dynasties,the factors of consumptive disease lie in four aspects.综考历代相关文献,虚劳之先天成因有以下几个方面:一是早婚早育,肌体稚弱,精气未生,血气未充,肾元亏虚;二是久病、劳逸过度、性生活失调导致父母体质虚弱;三是高龄生育;四是妊娠失养导致子代先天禀赋薄弱,胎儿气血供养不足,出生后体质虚弱,生长发育受到影响,从而形成虚劳的病理基础。

1.Study on Syndrome-Treatment and Prescription-Drugs of Xulao by Ancient and Modern Medical Records Date;基于古今医案数据分析的虚劳病证治规律研究
2.Study on the Mechanism of Suanzaoren Decoction Interfere Insomnia Rats酸枣仁汤对虚劳失眠大鼠干预机理的研究
3.The Research of the Theory on Treatment of Xu Lao Disease Through Reconciling the Business of YingWei by ZhangZhongJing张仲景从调和营卫论治虚劳之理论探讨
4.Mechanism Study on Consumptive Disease with Ingredient-altered Cinnamon Twig Decoction Therapy in Synopsis of Golden Chamber《金匮要略》以桂枝汤加减治疗虚劳病机理探讨
5.Treatment of Choroid Neovascularization Based on Consumptive Blood-Stasis Theory虚劳干血理论指导脉络膜新生血管治疗的思路
6.Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Sudden debilitating fatigue of unknown cause.慢性疲劳症候群: 不明原因的突然虚弱疲劳,
7.A modest man will never boast of his merits.谦虚的人决不夸自己的功劳。
8.If the enemy sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the soldiers are exhausted. If Birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied.见利而不进者,劳也﹔鸟集者,虚也﹔
9.Virtual Test Rig-Based Study on Fatigue Life Prediction基于虚拟试验台的疲劳寿命预测研究
10.Research on Virtual Fatigue Test of Welded Structure Based on Virtual Prototype Technology;基于虚拟样机技术的焊接结构“虚拟疲劳试验”研究
11.Long period hard work pulled him down a lot.长期的艰苦劳动使他的身体虚弱了许多。
12.She was so weak and exhausted that she had to lie back in the easy chair.她是那样虚弱和疲劳, 只得仰靠在安乐椅上。
13.[KJV] So am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me.照样,我有空虚的岁月,也有劳苦的黑夜为我派定。
14.Physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion.疲劳由于费力而引起的身体或精神上的虚弱
15.Fatigue Life Prediction for Car Body Based on Virtual Prototyping Technology;基于虚拟样机技术的货车车体疲劳寿命评估
16.Marx s Labor Theory of Value and Fictitious Value of Financial Assets;马克思的劳动价值论与金融资产的虚拟价值
17.Clinical Research of Herbal Extract on Qi Deficiency Fatigue State of Sub-health膏方调治气虚型亚健康疲劳状态的临床研究
18.Study on Fatigue Model of Virtual Human Upper Limb While Pulling/Stretching虚拟人上肢拉伸操作疲劳评价的建模研究

male consumptive disease男子虚劳
1.This study thoroughly reviewed the literature about the etiology,medication,control methods and regimen of consumptive disease,and reflected on the author s personal clinical experience to propose that male consumptive disease is caused by their excessive sexual desires.在深入分析阴阳形气之不足、五脏精血之匮乏的基础上,提出男子虚劳诊疗的方药化机。
3)puerperal asthenia产后虚劳
4)Seminal Emission Due to Consumptive Disease虚劳失精
5)Consumptive blood-stasis虚劳干血
6)Consumptive Diseases/acup-mox ther虚劳/针灸疗法
