肾精,Kidney Essence
1)Kidney Essence肾精
1.Wei Qi,Ying Qi and Kidney Essence are three different parts of body energy located from the body surface to the center which correspond to the acute,chronic and refractory phases of skin ulcer respectively.卫气、营气、肾精是人体正气由浅入深的三个不同层次 ,也对应着邪气内侵、疾病发展的三个阶段。
2.But in TCM,Kidney essence,controlling reproduction and growth,plays an important role in self-stable state.而中医学认为,肾精是调控人体生长发育、生殖繁衍的重要物质,在维持机体稳定中发挥重要作用。

1.The Clinical Research on the Chinese Medical Manifestation of "Deficiency of Kidney-essence" of the Vascular Dementia;血管性痴呆肾精亏虚证体征临床研究
2.Clinical Observation of Bu Shen Yang Xue Treatment in Treating Inferility of Essence Deficiency Type Luteal Phase Defect补肾养血法治疗肾精亏虚型黄体功能不全性不孕症的临床观察
3.Treatment of 1276 cases of oligo/asthenozoospermia using yishenshengjing granules益肾生精冲剂治疗少精弱精症1276例
4.replenish vital .essence, tonify kidney-yin and nourish the Bone marrow补肾滋阴,填精益髓
5.Effect of Bushen Gujing prescription (补肾固精方) on traditional Chinese medicine symptom of lupus nephritis补肾固精方对狼疮肾炎中医证候的影响
6.Literature Study on the Theory of the Kidney Dominating the Eye and the Therapy of Oculopathy with the Method of Consolidating the Kidney and Supplementing Essence;肾主目与补肾填精法防治眼病的文献研究
7.It was common therapeutic methods to tonify kidney, tonify spleen and kidney meanwhile, tonify liver and kidney, invigorate blood and essence.提出补肾、肾同治、肝肾、精血为当前较为常用的有效疗法。
8.Effect of Bushen Yijing(补肾益精) Oral Fluid on Nitric Oxide Synthetase and Antioxidation System of Testis Tissue in Rat with Impaired Spermatogenic Cells补肾益精口服液对大鼠生精细胞损伤的保护
9.Women with a weak constitution should take medicines with the effect of replenishing vital essence, tonifying kidney-yin and nourishing the Bone marrow.女子体虚,宜眼补肾滋阴,填精益髓之药。
10.The spleen provides the material basis for the acquired constitution, and is necessary for the function of kidney.而脾为后天之本,是肾藏精的基础。
11.Effect of Benazepril in Alcoholic Nephropathy;苯那普利对酒精性肾损伤作用的探讨
12.Doppler evaluation of renal blood flow in alcoholic liver disease patients酒精性肝病患者肾血流的多普勒评价
13.Exploration into Theory of 'Kidney Stores Essence' and Experimental Study in Applying the Method of Kidney Maintenance to Protect from Pyrethroid;“肾藏精”的理论探讨及补肾法防御拟除虫菊酯损害的实验研究
14.Clinical Observation and Experimental Research on Curing Kidney Deficiency Type Male Sterility by Tonifying Kidney Sperm Decoction;补肾生精汤治疗肾虚型男性不育症临床观察和实验研究
15.Effect of Benazepril on Connective Tissue Growth Pactor Expressionin Alcoholic Nephropathy in Rats;苯那普利对酒精性肾损伤大鼠肾脏结缔组织生长因子的影响
16.Effect of Fluvastatin on Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Expression in Alcoholic Nephropathy in Rats;氟伐他汀对酒精性肾损伤大鼠肾脏转化生长因子-β1表达的影响
17.The Clinical Study on Treatment of Female Infertility with Positive Serum AsAb by Reinforcing Kidney and Eliminating Blood Stasis;补肾祛瘀法治疗肾虚血瘀型不孕女性抗精子抗体阳性的临床观察
18.Experimental Study on the Affect of Semen Quality of Renal Deficiency Rats by the Treatment of Jin Gui Shen Qi Pill and You Gui Pill肾气丸、右归丸对肾虚大鼠精液质量影响的实验研究

Zishen fill fine滋肾填精
3)kidney-jing deficiency肾精亏虚
1.Objective:To investigate the effects of kidney-jing deficiency on the fertility of male mice and their male offspring.目的:观察肾精亏虚对雄性小鼠及其雄性仔鼠生育力的影响。
4)Shen essence and qi肾中精气
1.According to TCM theory, normal stem cells belong to the category of Shen essence and qi, and patients suffering from malignant tumor always manifest .中医学认为,正常干细胞可归于肾中精气的范畴,恶性肿瘤患者往往具有精气两亏之证,扶助肾中精气对治疗肿瘤有重要意义。
5)supplementing the kidney to control the nocturnal益肾固精
1.In order to preserve health and long life, man should adapt to the changes of different seasons and climates, keep a peaceful mind, pay attention to the exercise of body and mind, and the protection of the spleen and stomach, and take supplementing the kidney to control the nocturnal emission as the key to he.若想健康长寿 ,就要适应季节气候之突变 ,保持情志的安宁 ,重视形体锻炼和“神”的锻炼 ,重视保护脾胃 ,并将益肾固精作为保健强神益寿延年的养生重点 ,最后达到精、气、神充沛 ,相辅相成 ,相互为用。
6)deficient kidney essence肾精不足

肾精肾精  即肾中之精,来源于先天之精,又依赖后天之精的滋养而充盛,为肾之功能活动的物质基础。