
1.That wouldn't be common sense.“管它太不太
2.Parasols are used as a protection against the sun.伞是用来遮挡光的。
3.The sun gives us light during the day.太在白天给我们光。
4.Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.戴上太帽以遮挡光。
5.keep off the sun避免太晒,避开
6.The anode in an electron tube.极电子管中的
7.The seals were basking in the sun.海豹在太底下晒太
8.The sun is the center of our solar system.太是太系的中心
9.More worship the rising than the setting sun.顶礼朝多,膜拜夕少。
10.solar atmosphere and solar activities太大气和太活动
11.to the balcony, to the balcony,去了台上,去了台上,
12.Worship of the sun as a god太崇拜(视太为神)
13.pin-to-box pipe螺纹-螺纹管子
14.Dad, Lulu and Yangyang are at home.爸爸、露露和在家里。
15.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender [阴,中,通] 性
16.Summer heat is a yang pathogen, so is wind, and so is fire-heat.(1)暑为邪,风也为邪,火也为邪。
17.relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun.和太有关或太发出,或太能的使用。
18.They move around the sun.太是太系的中心,太系中有9大行星。

Taiyang Yangming太阳阳明
1.The Clinical Significance of Differentiating "Taiyang Yangming" and "Zhengyang Yangming";区别太明与正明的临床意义
3)Zhengyang Yangming正阳阳明
1.The Clinical Significance of Differentiating "Taiyang Yangming" and "Zhengyang Yangming";区别太明与正明的临床意义
4)Yang Taiyang阳太阳
1.Yang Taiyang s Social Activities and Arts Creation during the Period of Republic of China;民国时期的社会活动和艺术创作
2.Fall in Watercolor,Experience life——1949-1976 for the Period of Yang Taiyang’s Watercolor Art;钟爱水彩,感悟人生——1949-1976年的水彩艺术
5)Yang drama of Youyang酉阳阳戏
6)the yang aspect of yang阳中之阳

阳阳 阳   ①泛指一切与阴相对的事物或性质。阴阳是一切事物的两对立面,阳代表运动的、在上的、上升的、在外在表的、明亮的、温热的、刚强的、无形的、清轻的、亢进的、兴奋的一面。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“阴静阳躁,阳生阴长,阳杀阴藏。阳化气,阴成形。”参阴阳条。   ②指阳气。《素问·生气通天论》:“阳者,卫外而为固也。”   ③指手足三阳经。《灵枢·营卫生会》:“常与营俱行于阳二十五度,行于阴亦二十五度。”   ④指白昼。《素问·疟论》:“卫气者,昼日行于阳,夜行于阴。此气得阳而外出,得阴而内薄。”