1.Correlativity between blood-stasis-tongue subjects with cardiopathy and TXB_2,6-Keto-PGF_(1α);心病瘀血舌与TXB_2、6-Keto-PGF_(1α)的相关性研究
2.Correlativity between Blood-stasis-tongue Subjects with Cardiopathy and Hemorheology心病瘀血舌与血液流变学的相关性

1.Clinical Analysis of 119 Cases of Chronic Cor Pulmonale Accompanied With Coronary Artery Disease119例肺心病伴冠心病的临床分析
2.Effect of Comprehensive Nursing Intervention on Patients with Angina of Coronary Heart Disease冠心病心绞痛病人综合护理效果观察
3.Anxiety of zephyr of coronary heart disease is heart disease, what distinction do these two kinds of disease have excuse me?冠心病和风心病都是心脏病,请问这两种病有什么区别?
4.Clinical Observation on Angina Pectoris in CHD Treated with Guanxin Paste.冠心膏治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床观察
5.Application of Dynamic Electrocardiogram to monitoring for Arrhythmia in 36 Cor Pulmonale Patients动态心电图监测肺心病心律失常36例
6.Clinical Study on YueXin Pill for Treating Angina Pectoris of CHD;悦心丸治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床研究
7.Effects of xinyuan capsule on heart rate variability in coronary heart disease心元胶囊对冠心病心率变异性的影响
8.Results The most common cause of the CCE is rheumatic heart disease , coronary heart disease is secondary.结果:心源性脑栓塞最常见的原发病是风湿性心脏病,其次是冠心病
9.Abnormal heart rate recovery in patients with diabetes mellitus or coronary heart disease and its diagnostic value for coronary heart disease糖尿病与冠心病患者心率恢复异常及其对冠心病的诊断价值
10.The Clinical Observation of Huoxin Capsule on Angina of CHD活心丸与消心痛对冠心病心绞痛的疗效比较
11.Study on the Correlation of Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy and Coronary Heart Disease糖尿病肾病与非肾病患者冠心病患病率及相关危险因素分析
12.Palpitation is a warming of heart trouble.心悸是心脏病的预兆。
13.International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research国际腹泻病研究中心(腹泻病中心)
14.International Society and Federation of Cardiology国际心脏病学会和联合会(心脏病学联)
15.Analyis on the locations of cardialgia in the Golden Chamber《金匮·胸痹心痛短气病》篇心痛病位析疑
16.Studies on Effect of Tangxintong on Diabetic Heart Disease;糖心通治疗糖尿病性心脏病临床研究
17.PathoIogical Investigation on STZ-induced Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and Prevention of Tongxinluo通心络对糖尿病大鼠心肌病变的干预
18.A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause.心肌病一种心肌疾病,尤指病因未知或难解的心肌疾病

pathogenesis of heart disease心病病机
3)The cause of heart disease心脏病病因
4)the heart ward心脏病病房
5)Coronary heart disease morbidity冠心病发病
6)pulmonary heart failure肺心病心衰
1.Observation of curative effect of using combined mailuoning in treatmentof COPD pulmonary heart failure patients;脉络宁治疗COPD并肺心病心衰疗效观察
2.Observation of curative effect of using combined Chiense and Western medicine in treatment of pulmonary heart failure patients;中西医结合治疗肺心病心衰效果观察
3.Objective: Clinical & therapeutic effects on the treatment of pulmonary heart failure with compound capsule of Tinglizi were observed and its mechanism was explored.目的:观察复方葶苈子胶囊治疗肺心病心衰临床疗效并作机理探讨。

心病【心病】 (术语)二种病之一。