
1.Invalid Sound File. Please enter a valid filename for a sound file or select the Default Sound.声音文件无效。请输入一个有效的声音文件名,或选择"缺省声音"。
2.an inner voice that judges your behavior.判断个人行为的内省的呼声。
3.omit a sound or letter in a word.在单词中省略声音或字母。
4.Her parents pinched and scraped so that she could study singing abroad.她父母省吃俭用好让她出国学习声乐.
5.Her parents pinched and scrape so that she can study singing abroad她父母省吃俭用好让她出国学习声乐
6.In Taiwan itself, people wailed and bemoaned the betrayal and went on general strikes.台湾全省“哭声震天”,呜锣罢市。
7.On the Omission in Simultaneous Interpreting from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle;从合作原则看同声传译中的省略现象
8.Comparative Research into Tone in Gan-Dialect of Dongkou County,Hunan Province;湖南省洞口县赣方言声调的比较研究
9.A Study on Phonological Teaching States of Henan Normal Music Department;河南省高师音乐系声乐教学现状调研
10.Omission Used as a Strategy in Simultaneous Interpreting from the Perspective of Information Structure从信息结构看同声传译中的省略策略
11.Review Assessment on Highway Noise Barriers of Sichuan Province四川省高速公路声屏障工程回顾评价
12.Urban environmental noise monitoring Liaoning province during 2001-2007辽宁省2001~2007年城市环境噪声监测分析
13.Analysis on Background Seismic Noise Characteristics in Jiangsu Province江苏省区域地表背景噪声特性的分析
14.On Omission Phenomenon in English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting without Script: An Empirical Study Using Think-Aloud Protocols论英汉无稿同声传译中的省略现象—有声思维实验下的实证研究
15."We won't be economical today," cried Bertha,"I feel utterly reckless."“咱们今天不要节省,”伯莎大声说,“我根本不在乎。”
16.Their manifesto- La Condition Fé line- can still be found in provincial bookstores.(们的声明——《猫的状况》仍然可以在外省书店里看到。
17."For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and word of him went out through every part of the kingdom: for the man Mordecai became greater and greater."末底改在朝中为大,名声传遍各省,日渐昌盛。
18.Study in the Market Developing Strategy of the Voice Communication Service of CNC in JiLin Province;吉林省网通声讯业务市场拓展策略研究

Parsimonious Voice Leading最俭省声部进行
3)ultrasonic dart超声波短裥(省)
1.Analysis on principles of dart and special examplesof dart moving;省的基本原理及省转移的个案分析
2.On the dart design of trousers;论裤装结构中省的作用和设计原则
3.Bust dart is important in changing fashion.胸省是女装变化的关键,女性身材的优美曲线主要是靠各种省道的处理得到的,其中胸省最为复杂,变化最为丰富。
1.Thinking about the Meaning of“Construction of Ecological Province”;关于“生态省建设”内涵的思考
2.Five species of Scleria (Cyperaceae) are reported as new distribution records to 4 provinces of China.报道了莎草科珍珠茅属5种植物在我国4个省区分布的新记录,其中福建分布的新记录为光果珍珠茅,广西分布的新记录为越南珍珠茅,江西分布的新记录为小型珍珠茅和高秆珍珠茅,云南分布的新记录为石果珍珠茅。
3.With its development, there appeared in each province the military organs as well as the logistic institutions, which reveals the extensional power of the provincial governors in the late Qing Dynasty.本文研究了晚清各省防勇的发展演变情况 ,说明防勇已成为晚清军事力量的重要组成部分 ,在对外战争和地方治安中起了重要作用。
6)Variation of eviroment factors省工省力

省声  指汉字形声字的声符为某字的省略。省声的说法出于东汉许慎的《说文解字》。许慎分析文字结构, 凡形声字的声旁很明显的都注为"从某某声"。例如郊,"从邑交声";超,"从走召声"。但是有些字的声旁的笔画并不完备,许慎根据当时的字音推断某声旁是某一个字之省略,注出"从某某省声"。如:    鬲部融,从鬲,蟲省声。    生部産,从生,彦省声。    夕部夜,从夕,亦省声。    火部炭,从火,岸省声。    火部炊,从火,吹省声。    夭部奔,从夭,贲省声。    疒部疫,从疒,役省声。    鹿部麇,从鹿,囷省声。    玉部琁,从玉,旋省声。    这里有的字的声旁在小篆以前确实有不省略的写法,如旬从匀、夜从亦,都见于金文;産从彦,见于玺印;融从蟲、麇从囷为籀文,见于《说文》。不过大部分不见于秦以前的文字。许慎所推定为某字之省的也未必都对,如"奔"字金文从夭,下从歮,歮象人奔跑的足迹,是一个会意字。歮后来写为芔,《说文》 误以为是形声字,所以说"贲省声", 实际与古不合。虽然如此,其中大部分是有道理的。