1.Zhang Zai is a great thinker of the North Song Dynasty whose Ximing is only 253 words but it is actually striking and exerts a great impact on academic circles.北宋思想家张载的《西铭》是一篇仅253字的短文,但其一出现就受到学术界的高度重视,随之引起多次的争论。

1.Shuogua and Ximing Viewed in Comparative Literature;比较文学视野下的《说卦》和《西铭》
2.The principles of Confucian outlook on life are established in Ximing from the angle of morality.《西铭》则从道德的角度为儒家的人生观确立了准则。
3.Summary of the famous works on western anthropology.西方人类学名著提要/王铭铭主编;赵丙祥副主编.
4.Gu Hongming: Confucian Point of View in the Comparative Horizon Between Chinese and Western Civilization;辜鸿铭:中西文明比较视野中的孔教观
5.On the Complementary Usage of Prepositions "Yu" and "Yi" in the Bronze Inscriptions of the West Zhou Dynasty;试论西周铭文介词“于”、“以”的互补用法
6.Fangbo System in the Western Zhou Dynasty Based on the Inscription on Ni Zhong--the Revered Mr. Chu;从楚公逆钟铭文论到西周的方伯制度
7.The First Mister of Introduting “The Way of Benevolence” --The Proveness of ZhangZai’s “The Way of Benevolence”;西铭祭——回视张载对“仁道”的论证
8.Highly Effective Tunneling Technology of 1152 Main Roadway Extension in Ximing Coal Mine西铭矿1152大巷延伸高效掘进技术
9.Research on Support of 9~# Difficult Mining Coal Seam of Fully Mechanized Mining Tunnel in Ximing Coal Mine西铭矿9~#难采煤层综采巷道支护研究
10.The grains on spear likes the national grains of fresco of Guangxi Flower Mountain.矛上的回纹铭很象广西花山壁画上的民族纹饰。
11.The inscription on Duke Mao's Ding is the longest known and comprises 497 characters of rich historical record.西周时期的毛公鼎铭文最长,有497个字,内容广泛,
12.Application on Gas Drainage and Extraction Technology in 48411 Mining Face of Ximing Coal Mine瓦斯抽采技术在西铭矿48411工作面的应用
13.Social Progress and Improvement of Modern Agricultural Science and Technology山西铭贤学校农业科技改良的贡献研究
14.Application on Industrial Ethernet Technology in Monitoring and Control System of Ximing Coal Mine工业以太网技术在西铭矿监控系统中的应用
15.I am reminded of the German proverb: Everyone measures according to his own shoes.我铭记这一句德国谚语:每个人都用自己的鞋子来丈量东西。
16.We shall know some day that death can never rob us of that which our soul has gained.有一天我们终将知道,死亡永远无法夺走我们铭刻在灵魂中的东西。
17.There are few concepts as deeply embedded in the Western mind as the concept of "self".很少有概念象“自我”概念那样深地铭刻在西方人的心灵中。
18.A Perspective of the Cultural Relationship Between China and the West--More about Goethe in the Eyes of Ku Hung Ming;中西文化关系的一个视角——再谈辜鸿铭眼中的歌德

Xi Ming西铭
1.Study on Chang Tsai s Ethics Thought in Xi Ming;张载《西铭》伦理思想研究
3)Sinaitic inscriptions西奈铭文
4)inscriptions on West Zhou Dynasty bronze ware西周青铜器铭文
5)Shanxi Ming Hsien School山西铭贤学校
1."Rambouillet" sheep introduced by Shanxi Ming Hsien School was reproduced and improved,and then introduced across the province.民国六年(1917),建立"山西全省模范牧畜场",输入澳洲美利奴羊种开展繁殖改良,并作为模范在全省推广;民国二十一年(1932),山西铭贤学校农科由美国引进软布来细毛羊,进行繁殖与杂交改良。
1.The researches on classical literature in the modern times have less focused on the literary style of ″inscription″.近代古代文学研究对碑铭文体的关注一直很缺乏,所以此文将对历代有关碑铭文体的论说进行梳理,以界定“碑铭”文体的范畴,进而为“碑铭”文体正名;回顾了碑铭文历代的实际创作情况,借用明代文体学家徐师曾将碑铭的实际创作分为正体、变体、变而不失其正体以及别体的理论,解说碑铭文创作的演变轨迹。

《西铭》  见《正蒙》。